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10.1 Plan Communications Management

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1 10.1 Plan Communications Management
The process of developing an appropriate approach and plan for project communications based on the stakeholders information needs and requirements, and available organisational assets. Plan Communication determines – who needs what information, when they will need it, how it will be given to them, and by whom Informational needs and communication mechanisms vary widely from project to project A complex process that is critical to project success, and unfortunately, often under valued Occurs during Planning Initiation Planning Execution Close Monitor Control Adapted from PMBOK 5th Edition

2 10.1 Plan Communications Management
Inputs into Plan Communications – Project Management Plan Stakeholder register Enterprise environmental factors Organisation structure Project Management maturity helps to determine the type and frequency of communication Organisational process assets Relevant policies and procedures Lessons learned from past projects Adapted from PMBoK Guide – 5th Edition

3 10.1 Plan Communications Management
Tools and techniques to Plan Communications Management – Communication Models Communication Technology Communication Media Communication Methods Meetings Communication Requirements Analysis Adapted from PMBOK 5th Edition

4 Communication Requirements Analysis
Information used to determine specific project communication requirements includes – Organisation charts Project Organisation and Governance Charts Stakeholder responsibilities Disciplines, departments and specialisations involved in the projects eg. Finance, legal, risk Logistics of communication – how many people, location Internal information needs – across organisation External information needs – media, contractors, public Stakeholder register and stakeholder management strategies

5 Communication Models From PMBOK 5th Edition

6 Communication Technology
Communications technology factors that can affect the project include – The urgency of the need for communication The availability of technology Ease of use The project environment Sensitivity and confidentiality of information Adapted from PMBOK 5th Edition

7 Communication Media and Channels
Traditional Vs Electronic Informal Vs Formal Group briefings One on One Meetings Steering Committee Presentations Presentations Team Meetings Stakeholder Meetings Status Reports Collaboration Sites Push Vs Pull Newsletters

8 Communication Methods
Interactive Two or more parties Multi directional exchange of information Efficient way to ensure common understanding Meetings Phone calls and teleconferences Video conferences Push Sent to specific recipients Need to know basis Doesn’t check understanding Letters, memos. Reports s, faxes Voice mail Press releases Pull Used for large volumes of information Large audiences can self serve Can’t determine understanding Access at own discretion Intranet sites E-learning Knowledge repositories Collaboration sites

9 10.1 Plan Communications Management
Outputs of this process include – Communications Management Plan Stakeholder Communication requirements Resources allocated to communication activities – including time and cost Escalation, approval information flow processes Glossary of terms Project Document Updates Project schedule Stakeholder register Stakeholder management strategy Project risk register Risk Management Plan

10 10.1 Plan Communications Management
Target Audience Communication Needs Messenger Vehicle (How?) Frequency Who to What Who from How When Project Sponsor Progress and performance with regards to schedule & budget; PM Status Report Face to face meeting Weekly Project Manager The requirements for the project, budget maximum. Champion the project with other stakeholders. Project Charter Monthly meetings with Stakeholders At the start of the project. During the execution phase. Local Council Assurance of adherence to council rules Written development application one off Neighbors When does the project start and finish; how will it affect them Leaflet twice - beginning and end of project Fitter needs to know when he should start work and what the PMs expectations are prior to start of his tasks face to face verbal once he starts his tasks daily

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