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Physical vs. Chemical Properties

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1 Physical vs. Chemical Properties
How EVERYTHING that is ANYTHING can be described!....

2 Physical Property A characteristic of matter that can be observed or measured WITHOUT changing the identify of the object. Example: An apple is red. You don’t have to change that apple to see that it is red (or smooth etc..)

3 Let us explore a few other physical properties!!!!!!

4 Conductivity The ability to transfer heat or electricity from one area to another Plastic foam is a poor conductor of heat. DD puts their liquids in Styrofoam to help keep the liquid hot and to prevent you from burning your hand. What if they put it in a metal cup?!?!!!!

5 Real Life Tip # 235 Do NOT put a metal knife into a toaster. It is a conductor of electricity!

6 So… We can describe objects as being good conductors or (not).

7 State or Phase of Matter
The physical form that a substance exists as at a certain temperature (such as solid, liquid, gas or plasma) Water is known as H2O. It can be found in different states, depending on the temperature. Did you know all matter can change state.

8 So… The spoon is -silver -a good conductor -SOLID at room temperature…

9 Malleability The ability to be pounded into thin sheets.
Aluminum can be rolled or pounded into sheets to make foil.

10 Ductility (to be ductile)
The ability to be drawn or pulled into a thin wire. Copper is often used to make wiring for buildings and homes.

11 Solubility The ability to dissolve into another substance
Powder drink mixes dissolve in water to make drinks!!!

12 Density The amount of matter in a given amount of space.
Lead sinkers are used in fishing because they are more dense than water.

13 Boiling Point, Freezing Point, Melting POint
The temperature at which a substance changes phase. Water: Freezing point- 0 degrees C Boiling point – 100 degrees C

14 Directions 1.) Look at the table to the right. How hot does Gold have to be in order to melt? 2.) Which metal (to the right) would melt first? Last? 3.) Read the short article about chocolate!!

15 Chocolate that doesn’t melt. Chocolate Now Won't Melt in Your Hands
Chocolate that doesn’t melt??? Chocolate Now Won't Melt in Your Hands. Because Science It doesn't taste like wax, either. Source:

16 Chemical Property- Describes a substance based on its ability to change into a new substance with different properties. Chemical properties are harder to observe, because you often need to CHANGE the substance to see if it has that chemical property. Flammability is one example of a chemical property. You only know wood is flammable if you burn it. You wouldn’t’ know that gold is nonflammable unless you tried to burn it.

17 Flammability The ability to burn. Wood will burn. Gold will not!

18 Reactivity When two substances get together, something happens (usually fizzing, bubbles, explosions)

19 Now do the quick checks!!!

20 Directions 1.) Take a Styrofoam cup and crumple up a paper towel. Stuff it into the bottom of the cup and flip the cup over to make sure it doesn’t fall out. 2.) Keeping the cup upside down, submerge it under water (until you reach the bottom). Hold it there for seconds. 3.) Keeping the cup upside down still, slowly bring it back up to the top of the water. 4.) Observe the paper towel inside! Complete your lab.

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