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THRIVE Project - Tanzania

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1 THRIVE Project - Tanzania
Promoting Breastfeeding through community Groups, Home visits and Early Childhood Development Sessions (ECD) Experiences of Mwanza and Geita, Tanzania. THRIVE Project - Tanzania

2 Content Introduction : CRS & THRIVE I & Theory of Change on ECD
Project focus areas Implementation approach – breastfeeding Some key messages Results Lesson learned THRIVE II Acknowledgement

3 Introduction Catholic Relief Services (CRS): is an organization that carries out the commitment of the Bishops of United States to assist the poor and vulnerable oversees. CRS goal for early childhood development (ECD): All young girls and boys are protected and valued by family and community in an enabling environment to thrive and grow. (CRS Framework for ECD) THRIVE - an ECD program targeting parents and caregivers of under 5 years old children. From Oct – Dec. 2015 THRIVE Goal: children that are under 5 years old in Tanzania thrive in a sustainable culture of care and support

4 CRS Theory of Change on ECD

5 THRIVE I Project focus area
Health and nutrition – Breastfeeding Positive parenting & Income Generating Activities Women group sessions – cultural appropriate at localities (led by lead mothers) Household visits – visit to observe practice & male involvement Early childhood Development spaces – sessions & play materials for children [at communities and at health facility] Implementation approaches

6 Some key messages on breastfeeding
A. Exclusive breastfeeding at birth to 6 months [Purpose: Minimize cultural perception on colostrum; adding liquids without doctor instruction; improve knowledge on positioning a baby during breastfeeding; breastfeeding for mother/ baby bonding etc.] Ref: UNICEF – IYCF. Counseling card for Community workers

7 Other key messages B. Initiating complementary feeding at 6 month onward – food diversity [Food groups as per local available foods; frequency of feeding; importance of breastfeeding etc.] C. Feeding a child during illness [Encourage mothers to increase breastfeeding; use liquids recommended by doctor etc.]

8 Health and nutrition services
Improve food insecurity among caregivers & increase food diversity among CU5 Provide education and support to establish kitchen gardens poultry keeping Promotion uptake of health care services

9 Results A. 3,147 CU5 through their 2,250 mothers benefited from the project (group sessions; home visits & sessions at ECD spaces) health and nutrition education incl. Breastfeeding education & key messages B. Improved provision of nutritious complementary foods to babies: 647 introduced home gardens and 230 caregivers/ parents practiced poultry keeping (454 chicken distributed) which in turn increased minimum dietary diversity among children 6 – 36 months i.e. % children who consume at least 4 of 7 food groups in the previous day (36.9% baseline to 49.4% end line) C. Promotion of health seeking behavior; Mothers increased attendance to health facilities for health care support from 45.7% to 59.5% Children received health care when needed (28% to 66.7%)

10 Lessons learned Multiple approaches are important for promoting positive practices on breastfeeding e.g. Group sessions, home visits & ECD Sessions at health facilities Mothers don’t only need knowledge and skills building but also follow up and encouragement to change towards positive behaviors It is important to use multiple locally accepted/ trusted volunteers and stakeholders with training & passion to effect change into mothers

11 THRIVE II This is an Early Childhood Development program (2016 – 2017)
Targets beneficiaries: pregnant women & mothers of children under two (2) Countries of implementation: Tanzania, Kenya & Malawi Focus areas: Early stimulation during pregnancy & children under two; positive parenting; infant and young child feeding & water, sanitation and hygiene; maternal mental wellbeing Model used: care group model Include: Breastfeeding indicators

12 THRIVE II current status
2,964 mothers registered (301 groups formed) 20 Community health workers enrolled and trained Care group model: apply neighbor women group sessions + ECD sessions + Home visits approach to deliver (adapted from World Relief) Two (2) key ECD messages added: Early stimulation ; Water, sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Maternal Mental Wellbeing

13 Acknowledgement Hilton Conrad Catholic Relief Services
Contact: Charles Fungo

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