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European Policy Context for EQAVET

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1 European Policy Context for EQAVET
Emmi Kallio Brussels, WG 1 and 2, February 2012

2 European Policy Context for EQAVET
EQAVET Network and other EU tools Ongoing work and policy events LdV & « Erasmus for all »

3 EQAVET related events 16-17 February: EQAVET Projects Seminar, Bucharest, Romania 29-30 March: EQAVET Annual Forum, Helsingør, Denmark 3 May: EQAVET Steering Committee meeting 10-11 May: EQAVET Information seminar for national reference points, Athens 21-22 June: Sectoral seminar - construction sector, Rome

4 Other EU tools 18-19 June: EQAVET – ECVET – EQF Joint seminar, Paris
14-15 March: EQF Advisory group 3 May: ECVET Users' Group meeting

5 Ongoing policy work 2 February: Thematic Working Group on Professional Development of VET Trainers 1-2 March: Conference on Early school leavers (ESL)

6 Events (Danish presidency)
22-24 April: DGVT meeting in Copenhagen: “VET-business cooperation promoting attractiveness and employability in VET” 24-25 April: VET conference in Copenhagen: “VET-business cooperation promoting new skills, innovation and growth”   7-8 June: Business-VET Forum: “Challenges and Trends in continuing skills and career development of the European workforce”

7 Follow-up of Bruges deliverables
Cedefop is monitoring 22 Bruges short-term deliverables (STD) STD related to EQAVET are based on EQAVET secretariat progress report 2011 Copenhagen Working Group discusses this issue regularly, next meeting 29 February

8 Update on Leonardo da Vinci
3 EQAVET projects selected by EACEA (2011 call) Statement of President Barroso 30 January: mentions Leonardo da Vinci among the means to tackle youth unemployment

9 Erasmus for All Erasmus for All (“E4All”) : New EU programme for education, training, youth and sport proposed by the Commission on 23 November 2011 Key figures: Total budget €19 billion Overall mobility opportunities for 5 million people, including VET students

10 Education committee (19-20 January)
Discussion on actions of the Programme: Learning mobility of individuals Cooperation for innovation and good practices Support for policy reform

11 Thank you for your attention!

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