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Proposals of new Swarm data products

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1 Proposals of new Swarm data products
Prepared by the Swarm ESL team

2 Goal of this presentation
Ideas to enhance the scientific return of Swarm How can we make a good mission even better? In following a few suggestions for Enhancement / improvement of already existing Swarm Products New products This is a non-exclusive list Your input is needed and highly appreciated!

3 Categories of New Products
Add-ons and improvements of already existing Swarm products Modification of existing processing chain to add “Delta” E.g.: compute and add “Vertical TEC” (VTEC) to L2 TEC product New products from existing processing chains E.g.: Electric current profile of Equatorial Electrojet is determined in EEF chain but presently not provided as a product New products from new processing chains E.g.: Monthly means from “Virtual Observatories in Space”

4 Add-on to existing Swarm product: TEC (Total Electron Content) from GPS observations
TECxTMS_2F: Slant TEC (Line of sight between Swarm and GPS satellite) Swarm product enhancement: Vertical TEC (perpendicular to reference sphere) Inter-comparability between TEC observations Users frequently asked ESA Swarm helpdesk for such a product STEC= μ VTEC μ = mapping function Ionosphere Vertical TEC L1 L2 SWARM GPS Slant TEC VTEC auf VTEC-Piercing point korrigiert

5 Add-on to existing Swarm product: Ionospheric scale height H from GPS and LP observations
Ionospheric scale height, H Information on the depths of the topside ionosphere Climatological analyses on scale heights Estimate Ne at altitudes above Swarm Parameterizing space weather models Possible Method: Known Ne at Swarm altitude from LP observation Redistribute VTEC on a typical profile shape of the topside ionosphere Predict plasma density scale height VTEC from GPS In situ electron density (Ne) from LP Wenn man scale hieght kenn, kann man Ne in allen möglichen Höhen über Swarm abschätzen Scale height kann man abschätzen, wenn eine bekannte (gewöhnliche) Verteilungsfunktion an VTEC fittet.

6 Swarm GPS observations
Add-on to existing Swarm product: Scintillations / Rate Of change of TEC Index (ROTI) Direct link to degradation in navigational solution Joint analysis with Swarm Ionosphere Bubble Index (IBI) Combination with scintillations observed in ground-based networks Scintillation Monitoring Network operated by DLR: high rate (up to 100 Hz) GNSS near real time distributed along North-South and East-West direction to monitor ionospheric scintillation Jens hatte noch kleine Korrekturwünsche in Punkt 2 und 3. Sind hier enthalten und ok, finde ich. TEC gradient Swarm GPS observations

7 High activity (AE>200) Swarm (Kervalishvili et al., this morning)
New Swarm product: Ionospheric irregularity index based on plasma density Polar plasma enhancements (Park et al., 2012) Ne B North pole, CHAMP Low activity (AE<200) North pole, CHAMP High activity (AE>200) IBI: Detection in B Swarm: Depletions low latitudes CHAMP: Enhancements high latitudes Proposal: Detection method in Ne (independent of B) At polar and equatorial latitudes Discrimination between depletions and enhancements (“bubbles”/”blobs”) Swarm (Kervalishvili et al., this morning) IBI detected in magnetic field, cannot detect all bubbles ------ First row: CHAMP similar detection method as for IBI – magnetic field driven, Results assuming enhancements in polar latitudes Example CHAMP: Number of detection during low and high activity ----- Development of new method to detect bubbles at equatorial and polar latitudes independent of magnetic field variations Discrimination of plasma depletions and enhancements

8 Add-on to existing Swarm product: Strength and Location of the Equatorial Electrojet
Add-on to Swarm product EEFxTMS_2F: Eastward equatorial electric field (derived from EEJ current profile) Swarm product enhancement: Magnetic profile of EEJ current (scalar and vector) Electric current profile of EEJ (magnetic eastward) Already determined in EEF chain (but not released) Several users have asked for these profiles

9 New Swarm product: Climatological model of EEJ current
Extend CHAMP-derived EEJM model (Alken and Maus, 2007) with Swarm data Model parameterized by local time, longitude, season, solar flux, lunar local time EEJM has proven useful in neutral wind studies (e.g., Lühr et al, 2008; Häusler et al, 2013) and statistical analyses of EEJ variability (e.g., Phani et al, 2014) (Alken and Maus, 2007)

10 New Swarm product: Strength and Location of the Polar Electrojets
Orbit-by-orbit determination, single and dual-satellite approach “line-current method” (e.g. Olsen, 1995, Ritter et al. 2004) to determine current profile Simplified approach (Vennerstrøm and Moretto, 2013) to determine strength and location of PEJ maximum Olsen (1995) Ritter et al. (2004) Vennerstrøm + Moretto (2013)

11 New Swarm product: Longitudinal variations in the Polar Electrojets
Orbit-by-orbit determination, dual-satellite approach Method of Spherical Elementary Current Systems (Amm et al., 2015) Spatial distribution of Polar Electrojet currents and field aligned currents along a 2D strip enveloping the SW A+C trajectories. Also ionospheric conductances for times when E-field observations are available “J div-free part” can be validated with ground-based magnetometer data April , 23:

12 New Swarm Product: Maps of ionospheric and Field-aligned currents
Statistical maps, for different conditions of IMF, season, … Have been derived from Ørsted and CHAMP data (e.g. Christiansen et al. 2001, Weimer et al. 2010) Important tool for science and space-weather activities New: modeling in magnetic coordinate frame with consistent treatment of coordinates and vector components vector calculus operators like curl B=m0J in Quasi-Dipole frame, following Richmond (1995) Radial current density and equivalent curent function Northen hemisphere Courtesy: K.M Laundal

13 New Swarm Product: Determination of auroral boundaries (based on FAC’s)
Similar to empirical model determined from 10 years of CHAMP observations Low Activity High activity Statistical model of auroral oval parameterization by solar wind merging electric field (Em) Possibility of NRT predictions based on Em and actual Swarm FAC’s S = Function of CHAMP (single) FAC’s (Xiong et al., Ann. Geophys., 2014a,b)

14 New Product: Monthly means from “Virtual Observatories in Space”
Time series of monthly means at a regular grid in space Provides information about core field changes Determined from CHAMP data (e.g. Mandea and Olsen (2006) … but external field contamination is a challenge (e.g. Beggan et al., 2009) Swarm gradient information is expected to improve separation of internal (core) and external (magnetospheric) contributions Times series of dZ/dt at 400 km altitude, from CHAMP (Olsen et al. 2009)

15 New Swarm product: Ionospheric gravity and diamagnetic currents
Provide orbit-by-orbit vector profiles of fields due to gravity and diamagnetic currents flowing in F-region ionosphere Useful for correcting night-time data for main field modeling (a study is recommended to investigate modeling improvements) Alken et al., in preparation

16 New Product: Magnetic Signal of Oceanic Tides
Sensing of ocean flow is one of the Swarm science objectives but presently not a product Provides information about sea-water conductivity (salinity, …) Lithospheric conductivity Ocean flow Determined in CHAMP data by Tyler et al (2000) … an recently by Sabaka et al (2015) as part of the CI Preliminary results using 18 months of Swarm data are very encouraging M2 tide is already determined in (experimental version of) CI chain |Br| of M2 tide Model prediction CHAMP observations Sabaka et al. (2015)

17 More ideas ? Poynting Flux ? Model of Plasmapause boundary ?
2D or 3D Electron Density Maps ? Update Plasma density models (e.g. IRI) ? Your input is needed and highly appreciated! Habe die Reihenfolge geändert.

18 Earth’s Magnetic Field and Society
Increasing recognition of the importance of Earth’s magnetic field for daily life Swarm data products have the potential to contribute to solve the mystery Now with dogs!


20 Thank you!

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