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Modelling Concepts Based on Chapter 5 Bennett, McRobb and Farmer

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1 Modelling Concepts Based on Chapter 5 Bennett, McRobb and Farmer
Object Oriented Systems Analysis and Design Using UML 4th Edition, McGraw Hill, 2010 © 2010 Bennett, McRobb and Farmer

2 In This Lecture You Will Learn:
What is meant by a model The distinction between a model and a diagram The UML concept of a model © 2010 Bennett, McRobb and Farmer

3 © 2010 Bennett, McRobb and Farmer
What is a Model Like a map, a model represents something else A useful model has the right level of detail and represents only what is important for the task in hand Many things can be modelled: bridges, traffic flow, buildings, economic policy Section 5.2.1 © 2010 Bennett, McRobb and Farmer

4 © 2010 Bennett, McRobb and Farmer
Why Use a Model? A model is quicker and easier to build than the real thing A model can be used in a simulation A model can evolve as we learn We can choose which details to include in a model A model can represent real or imaginary things from any domain © 2010 Bennett, McRobb and Farmer

5 Modelling Organizations
Organizations are human activity systems. The situation is complex Stakeholders have different views We have to model requirements accurately, completely and unambiguously The model must not prejudge the solution © 2010 Bennett, McRobb and Farmer

6 © 2010 Bennett, McRobb and Farmer
What is a Diagram? Abstract shapes are used to represent things or actions from the real world Diagrams follow rules or standards The standards make sure that different people will interpret the diagram in the same way 40° © 2010 Bennett, McRobb and Farmer

7 © 2010 Bennett, McRobb and Farmer
Write Chapter Review Chapter Author Printer Typesetter Reviewer Typeset Book Correct Proofs Reset Book Print Book [book complete] [book not complete] Revise Chapter An Example of a Diagram An activity diagram of the tasks involved in producing a book. This is a diagram of producing a book. It is highly simplified! © 2010 Bennett, McRobb and Farmer

8 © 2010 Bennett, McRobb and Farmer
Write Chapter Review Chapter Author Printer Typesetter Reviewer Typeset Book Correct Proofs Reset Book Print Book [book complete] [book not complete] Revise Chapter Hiding Detail Plan Chapter Produce First Draft Revise Draft [satisfied] [not satisfied] Add Exercises Add References to Bibliography Write Chapter This is meant to be a magnifying glass! It is looking into the Write Chapter activity to show a lower level of detail. Switch of the animation if you don’t like it. You can make the point, made in the book, that these activities could be broken down further, but it may not be useful to do so. There are also activities, such as Stare out of Window, Make Coffee, Change CD (all of which I have just done) that are essential to the process of writing, but represent unnecessary detail. (You could make the point that there might be other purposes for which these would be relevant. For example, someone studying the creative process or a time and motion study of how productively authors use their time.) © 2010 Bennett, McRobb and Farmer

9 © 2010 Bennett, McRobb and Farmer
Diagrams in UML UML diagrams consist of: icons two-dimensional symbols paths Strings UML diagrams are defined in the UML specification. Plan Chapter Produce First Draft Revise Draft [not satisfied] [satisfied] Add Exercises Add References to Bibliography © 2010 Bennett, McRobb and Farmer

10 © 2010 Bennett, McRobb and Farmer
Diagrams vs. Models A diagram illustrates some aspect of a system. A model provides a complete view of a system at a particular stage and from a particular perspective. A model may consist of a single diagram, but most consist of many related diagrams and supporting data and documentation. © 2010 Bennett, McRobb and Farmer

11 Relationship between Models and Diagrams
Use Case Diagrams are one view of the Use Case Model in the Requirements Model Requirements Model Use Cases Interface Prototypes Requirements List Initial System Architecture Model Glossary Use Case Model Use Case Diagrams One View of the Use Case Model © 2010 Bennett, McRobb and Farmer

12 © 2010 Bennett, McRobb and Farmer
Examples of Models Requirements Model complete view of requirements may include other models, such as a Use Case Model includes textual description as well as sets of diagrams © 2010 Bennett, McRobb and Farmer

13 © 2010 Bennett, McRobb and Farmer
Examples of Models Behavioural Model shows how the system responds to events in the outside world and the passage of time an initial model may just use Communication Diagrams a later model will include Sequence Diagrams and State Machines © 2010 Bennett, McRobb and Farmer

14 © 2010 Bennett, McRobb and Farmer
Models in UML A system is the overall thing that is being modelled A subsystem is a part of a system consisting of related elements A model is an abstraction of a system or subsystem from a particular perspective A model is complete and consistent at the chosen level of abstraction © 2010 Bennett, McRobb and Farmer

15 © 2010 Bennett, McRobb and Farmer
Models in UML Different models present different views of the system, for example: use case view design view process view implementation view deployment view (Booch et al., 1999) © 2010 Bennett, McRobb and Farmer

16 Packages, Sub-systems and Models
UML has notation for showing subsystems and models, and also for packages, which are a mechanism for organising models (e.g. in CASE tools) Use Cases Use Case Model «subsystem» Campaign Management Package Sub-system Model © 2010 Bennett, McRobb and Farmer

17 © 2010 Bennett, McRobb and Farmer
Developing Models During the life of a project using an iterative life cycle, models change along the dimensions of: abstraction—they become more concrete formality—they become more formally specified level of detail—additional detail is added as understanding improves © 2010 Bennett, McRobb and Farmer

18 Development of the Use Case Model
Iteration 1 Obvious use cases. Simple use case descriptions. Iteration 2 Additional use cases. Simple use case descriptions. Prototypes. OK Quit Campaign: Campaign Selection Zeta Systems Yellow Partridge Lynch Properties Holborn Motors Client: In a system development project that uses an iterative life cycle, different models that represent the same view may be developed at different levels of detail as the project progresses. For example, the first use case model of a system may show only the obvious use cases that are apparent from the first iteration of requirements capture. After a second iteration, the use case model may be elaborated with more detail and additional use cases that emerge from discussion of the requirements. Some prototypes may be added to try out ideas about how users will interact with the system. After a third iteration, the model will be extended to include more structured descriptions of how the users will interact with the use cases and with relationships among use cases. (Use cases are explained in Chapter 6.) The number of iterations is not set at three. Any phase in a project will consist of a number of iterations, and that number will depend on the complexity of the system being developed. Iteration 3 Structured use cases. Structured use case descriptions. Prototypes. OK Quit Campaign: Campaign Selection Yellow Partridge Lynch Properties Holborn Motors Zeta Systems Client: © 2010 Bennett, McRobb and Farmer

19 © 2010 Bennett, McRobb and Farmer
Summary In this lecture you have learned about: What is meant by a model The distinction between a model and a diagram The UML concept of a model © 2010 Bennett, McRobb and Farmer

20 © 2010 Bennett, McRobb and Farmer
References Booch, Rumbaugh and Jacobson (1999) Bennett, Skelton and Lunn (2005) (For full bibliographic details, see Bennett, McRobb and Farmer) © 2010 Bennett, McRobb and Farmer

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