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Nutrition in Surgical Patient

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1 Nutrition in Surgical Patient
General Surgery Nutrition in Surgical Patient Dr. Ziad H. Delemi B.D.S, F.I.B.M.S (M.F.) Mosul university- College of dentistry-oral & maxillofacial surgery department

2 Malnutrition Causes: -Pre-operative: starvation(self neglect, poverty, dysphagia)failure of proper digestion. -Post-traumatic: -Hypercatabolic:sever sepsis, burn Mosul university- College of dentistry-oral & maxillofacial surgery department

3 Effects of Malnutrition
Poor wound healing (dehiscence). Delay callus formation. Coagulation disorder. Impaired drug metabolism in the liver. Depress immunity. Decrease tolerance to radiotherapy & chemotherapy. Sever mental apathy. Mosul university- College of dentistry-oral & maxillofacial surgery department

4 Indication of nutrition
Pre-operative nutritional problems. Post operative complications(ileus more than 4days, sepsis). Intestinal fistula. Massive bowel resection. Management of malabsorption. Anorexia nervosa. Mosul university- College of dentistry-oral & maxillofacial surgery department

5 Indication of nutrition
Intractable vomiting. Maxillofacial trauma. Multiple trauma. Malignant disease. Burn. Renal failure, liver disease. Mosul university- College of dentistry-oral & maxillofacial surgery department

6 Assessment of the nutritional status of the patient
A- characteristic appearance: lean & hungry, apathic, superimposed hectic flush around sunken cheeks & pinched nose. B- physical examination: Skin: rash, hyperkeratosis, nail deformity. Eyes: keratoconjectivitis, night blindness. Mouth: chelosis, glossitis, mucosal atrophy. Hair: recent loss. CNS: peripheral neuropathy, psychiatric problems. Mosul university- College of dentistry-oral & maxillofacial surgery department

7 Assessment of the nutritional status of the patient
C- special test: Body weight, body mass index wt/height². Upper arm circumference indicated if <23 cm ♀ or 25 cm in ♂. Triceps skin fold thickness, min. 13 mm ♀, 10 mm ♂ Serum Albumin not less than 35 g/L Lymphocyte count <1500 /mm³ Candida skin test N2 – balance studies.

8 Nutritional requirement
1- calories(energy):provided by CHO & fat. healthy adult at rest need 1500 – 2000 nonproteinous calories /day. 2- N2: min. for +ve N2 balance 40 gm of protein & ↑in Hypercatabolic state. 3- H2O: ml/day. 4- electrolytes: N+ 100mmol/dl, K+ 60mmol/dl, Ca++ 20 mmol/dl, Mg+ 30 mmol/dl, Cl- 100mmol/dl Mosul university- College of dentistry-oral & maxillofacial surgery department

9 Nutritional requirement
5- vitamins: water soluble vit. C& B, vit. C 70 mg/day & vit. B12 500µg /week IM. Fat soluble vit. A 6000 IU /week, K 8mg/week IM, E 10 mg/day ,D 5 µg/day. Vit. A&C affect Wound healing Vit. D Rickets, osteomalacia Vit. E Anemia, ataxia, nystagmus, edema, myopathy. Thiamine Encephalopathy Vit. B6 neuropathy… 6- minerals: iron 50 µmol/day, zinc 50 µmol/day, copper 15 µmol/day, iodine 5µmol/day.

10 Constituents of TPN CHO: Dextrose 20%, 50%, 70%.
Fat : Intralipid 10-20%. Protein: Vamine, Freamine, Nephramine, Hepatomine . Water 1500cc/day. Electrolytes K+, Na+, Cl-, Ph-, Ca++ Vitamins Trace elements: Mg, Fe, Zn, … Albumin: 60 gm/day. Insulin: to keep blood glucose mg/dl. Heparin: 1000 U/L protect central line & for lipolysis Mosul university- College of dentistry-oral & maxillofacial surgery department

11 Methods of Nutrition A- Enteral:
1- mouth: if there is no contraindication (?) start with liquid then semisolid then solid. 2- NG tube: used for regular gastric aspiration& for feeding of liquid diet. 3- tube enterostomy: used if NG tube is not possible & if more than 4 weeks enteral feeding is indicated, types ( Gastrostomy, Jejunostomy). Mosul university- College of dentistry-oral & maxillofacial surgery department

12 Methods of Nutrition B- parenteral nutrition:
By IV feeding, it indicated when enteral feeding is not possible or not enough. Routes of administration: 1- central venous line: usually hyperosmolar solution administered directly in to central vein, so they are rapidly diluted by fast flow of blood to avoid thrombosis & thrombophlebitis, example Hickman catheter. Mosul university- College of dentistry-oral & maxillofacial surgery department

13 Methods of Nutrition 2- peripheral venous line:
Lower osmolarity solutions may be administered through peripheral veins, usually changed 3-4 days due to infusion thrombophlebitis. Mosul university- College of dentistry-oral & maxillofacial surgery department

14 Methods of Nutrition

15 Complications of TPN 1- malposition of catheter tip.
2- infection specially septicemia. 3- essential fatty acid deficiency. 4- hypophosphatemia. 5- jaundice. 6- metabolic acidosis. 7- metabolic & electrolytes disturbances. Mosul university- College of dentistry-oral & maxillofacial surgery department

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