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Ereignisrekonstruktion in C++ bei BELLE

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1 Ereignisrekonstruktion in C++ bei BELLE
Ereignisrekonstruktion in C++ bei BELLE PDA Seminar 11/ Laurenz Widhalm

2 Austrian Outreach Activities
Conception of a webpage for the general public Scope Realization Presentation Statistics Conclusion & Outlook

3 the Idea: Boundary Conditions:
FAKT (Experts Committee for Nuclear and Particle Physics) of ÖPG (Austrian Physical Society) Member institutes: the Idea: the FAKT wants to establish a webpage for the general public Boundary Conditions: limited funding (DoI by FAKT, no other sponsors) limited manpower (one webmaster with a small allowance, rest of team are volunteers)

4 Particle Physics for the
the Scope: Scientific Web News e.g. Particle Physics for the General Public (many examples) no sense to copy something that already exists in high quality but we can provide a carefully selected collection of links emphasize Austria‘s role no sense trying to compete with a professional news agency but we can provide expert‘s comments on „hot topics“ cooperation emphasize the persons behind the science offer direct contact to experts via a catchy URL

5 the Realization: Short History:
first initiative 1998 by Christian Gottfried Intermedia commissioned to produce first version of web page in 2000, Daniel Grumiller was appointed webmaster in 2001, the webpage was completely revised by Richard Nagy (design) and Daniel Grumiller (implementation) Status: monthly meetings of the editorial team editorial team still growing (currently 10 members) – goal: one of each member institute of the FAKT each member can submit news articles with an easy user interface

6 Presentation: title page index
random selection of 3 current news articles „Kopf des Monats“ („Head of the Month“): Featuring a (young) Austrian scientist, which gets the opportunity to present himself and his work (monthly new)

7 Presentation: archive All news in historical order

8 Presentation: contacts Editorial team
Can be contacted directly via at

9 Presentation: links Selection of links

10 Presentation: Scientific part – Human & Environment

11 Presentation: Scientific part – Molecules

12 Presentation: Scientific part – Atoms

13 Presentation: Scientific part – Atomic Nucleus

14 Presentation: Scientific part – Nucleons

15 Presentation: Scientific part – Elementary Particles

16 Presentation: Scientific part – Beyond Space & Time

17 Presentation: Scientific part – Universe

18 Presentation: Scientific part – Galaxies & Stars

19 Presentation: Scientific part – Earth

20 Presentation: Scientific part – Human & Environment

21 Statistics: Top 5 days: average daily hit rate: 40 hits 836 hits news Nobel Prize news average daily hit rate: 40 hits Top 5 days: 836 hits 346 hits 205 hits 191 hits 179 hits summer we count unique hits, excluding webmaster activities and robots

22 Conclusion & Outlook: our webpage is well established since 5 years
sustained, and slowly increasing number of visitors constant editorial team of volunteers, still growing within our possibilities, we are very content despite the perpetual problem of funding, we are looking confidently into the future

23 Ereignisrekonstruktion in C++ bei BELLE
Ereignisrekonstruktion in C++ bei BELLE PDA Seminar 11/ Laurenz Widhalm

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