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Energy, states of matter, reactions, physical and chemical changes

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Presentation on theme: "Energy, states of matter, reactions, physical and chemical changes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy, states of matter, reactions, physical and chemical changes

2 Physical vs chemical properties
Physical properties Used to observe and describe matter Examples: Color Shape Density Freezing/boiling/melting point Chemical properties Describes matter’s potential to undergo chemical change due to its composition Examples: Flammability Reactivity with other chemicals Oxidation states

3 Chemical change Change that results in the formation of new chemical substances The process is irreversible

4 Factors indicating chemical change
Change in color, smell, taste Presence of light, gas, bubbles and a precipitate

5 Examples chemical change
Burning something The rusting of a metal

6 Physical change Type of change where molecules are rearranged but the internal structure is not affected The process is reversible

7 Factors indicate physical change
Change in state, shape, size

8 Examples physical change
Boiling water Crumbling a piece of paper

9 assignment Go to Open the word document
Write the answers in your notebook

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