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Observations by Dance Move

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1 Observations by Dance Move
Deep Dance Revolution Collin Rooney, Rose Thomas, Kristin Meier, Eric Pawlakos | MSiA Deep Learning | Spring 2017 | Northwestern University Problem Statement Technical Approach Results Process Overview Data processing Noisy backgrounds, mislabeled images Naïve baseline models KNN & SVM - performed worse than Deep Network Neural Networks Convolutional Neural Network Model Tuning Width Shift Range, Rotation Range, and only Horizontal Flipping Analyze output Can ballet moves be classified using images? Beneficial to the dance community for documenting and passing on choreography. Current process is manual and extremely time consuming. It is challenging for a non-domain expert to classify the moves. Future work includes generating choreography from video and real time classification. * Potential overfitting Stump rate: 23.5% Best accuracy: 60% Significantly better than non-domain expert. Download and Clean Data Step 1 Fit CNN Model and Analyze Output Step 2 Test Alternative Parameters and Data Step 3 Summarize and Present Findings Step 4 0:40 Grand Battement 0:58 Back Attitude 1:14 Pirouette 1:33 Sous Sous Model Specifics We used a pre-trained VGG network in Keras. ImageNet award winning model was chosen to save time. This pre-trained VGG network formed the baselines for our project. Improvements: Setting image size to 64x64 (after trying 32x32, 128x128, 224x224) Using the Adagrad optimizer over Adam (adaptive learning) Shrinking the number and size of layers Regularization: L1 and Dropout factor of 0.2 Kept our model from overfitting on small dataset Heatmaps: Model looks at defining features of the pose for classification Incorrect classifications are understandable and reasonable errors Handles costume, background, and dancer differences well Conclusion Dataset Model largely focuses on areas where the human looks Small dataset posed challenges Improvements/future work – Make more robust to new data. Train a model to identify various dancers (object detection) and assign each dancer independent labels. Utilizing video resources as training data or testing data could improve and validate the model Google images of 9 distinct dance moves ~ 1200 images total Relatively balanced classes Example observations Arabesque Grand Jete Challenges Augmentation Small dataset Manual labeling Background editing Felzenszwalb transformation Canny edge detection References and Related Work Classification of Body Movements Based on Posturographic Data ( Convolutional Neural Net ( Felzenszwalb Segmentation ( Real-Time Classification of Dance Gestures from Skeleton Animation ( Observations by Dance Move Grand Battement 214 Arabesque 294 Grand Jete 223 Assemble 31 Penche/Ponche 200 Back Attitude 198 Pirouette/Passe 120 Front Attitude 44 Sous Sous 98

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