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Kitchener’s Neighbourhood Strategy

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Presentation on theme: "Kitchener’s Neighbourhood Strategy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kitchener’s Neighbourhood Strategy
Council Strategy Session March 21, 2016

2 Neighbourhood Strategy: What is it?
No strategy, yet! Not about lifting up struggling neighbourhoods Capitalizing on existing and potential strengths Making all neighbourhoods even better

3 Neighbourhood Strategy: What is it?
Imagine… more vibrant community gathering spaces more relationships between neighbours more people hanging out on their front porches, on their street or in the park more people engaged in a positive and proactive approach to neighbourhood development more support for vital community partners in the work they’re already doing

4 Neighbourhood Strategy: What is it?
But what’s the problem? Not a problem-based approach Intentionally build on assets in our neighbourhoods Find ways to help everyone do even more great things in our neighbourhoods

5 Neighbourhood Strategy: What is it?
Vision: The Neighbourhood Strategy will help neighbours connect and work together to do great things in their neighbourhoods.

6 Neighbourhood Strategy: What is it?
7 characteristics of great neighbourhoods (outcomes) Accessible Connected Diverse Engaged Inclusive Resilient Safe

7 Neighbourhood Strategy: What is it?
The Neighbourhood Strategy will not… Create more red tape Ignore what is already working Take a top down approach Only engage the people who are already engaged Be inflexible Focus on problems Presume to be able to tell neighbours what they need Apply an inflexible, one-size fits all approach Sit on a shelf and not be implemented

8 Neighbourhood Strategy: How are we developing it?
Communications & Engagement Sub-Committee Principles, pre-engagement and community engagement Best Practices Sub-Committee Neighbourhood strategies, neighbourhood action plans, placemaking, tools, process and templates Stakeholder Sub-Committee 968 organizations identified Data Sub-Committee Baseline information for neighbourhoods

9 Internal Change Management
Community v. staff perceptions of customer service that supports neighbourhoods Rule enforcers Neighbourhood supporters Red tape Customer focus review

10 Lemonade Stand (July to September 2015)

11 Stories & Colouring Books (December 2015 to March 2016)

12 Community Engagement Plan (April to August 2016)
3 streams of engagement: Creative Conversational Online

13 Creative Engagement Placemaking challenge

14 Conversational Engagement
Street Teams Neighbourhood events Random drop-ins

15 Conversational Engagement
Focus groups For organizations For residents

16 Online Engagement Survey Ideas forum Dotmocracy
Annotation tool (draft strategy) $100 Activity (draft strategy, maybe)

17 Strategic Session with Council
Discussion Question 1 (10 minutes) What suggestions do you have for reaching and engaging members of the community who do not normally provide input to the municipality as part of a consultation process?

18 Strategic Session with Council
Discussion Question 2 (10 minutes) Recognizing the diversity of our community, how would you suggest we ensure we are engaging a diverse range of community members and groups?

19 Strategic Session with Council
Discussion Question 3 (10 minutes) After reviewing the draft questions that have been developed for use by our “street teams” (see Appendix D of CSD ), are there any changes you would like to see or additional questions you think should be asked?

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