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Intro to parody and satire:

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1 Intro to parody and satire:
12/14 Journal 29 Intro to parody and satire:

2 Parody: to imitate the techniques and/or style of some person, place, or thing

3 Satire goes a step further than a parody
Satire goes a step further than a parody. It doesn't just imitate for the sake of humor, but it does so to make a point, a message.

4 Satire- use humor in order to promote a change in politics, society, culture, and/or human behavior.



7 Tools of Satire Irony: a contrast between what appears to be true and is actually true, or between what we expect to happen and what actually happens

8 Situational Irony- the opposite of what is expected occurs
EX: a cow sits down to have medium- rare human for dinner. EX: Brian the dog from Family Guy is the voice of reason in the family.

9 Verbal irony: (sarcasm) what is said is different from what someone actually means

10 Dramatic irony -the audience is aware of something that the characters are not aware of

11 Pun/double entendre when a word/phrase can have two possible meanings EX: "Mr. Potato Head picked his nose."

12 Personification when a nonhuman is given human characteristics
EX: Brian the dog from family guy. He talks and is extremely intelligent.

13 Hyperbole an extreme, ridiculous exaggeration EX: I'd walk 5,000 miles just to be with you.

14 Absurdity something so outrageous and unreasonable, it is either impossible or unlikely to occur. EX: aliens and humans work together towards world peace

15 Reversal: to present the opposite of the normal order

16 Incongruity: to present things that are out of place or absurd in relation to its surroundings

17 Dramatic irony, situational irony, or verbal irony Hyperbole Pun
In each of the following cartoons: Identify how the satirist uses the techniques and what message he/she is relaying to the audience. Satire Techniques: Dramatic irony, situational irony, or verbal irony Hyperbole Pun Personification Absurdity Reversal Incongruity Message: What is the satirist's message? In other words, what are they poking fun of? What aspect of society, politics, culture, or human behavior do they want to see changed?









26 J30- Identifying Satire

27 Dramatic irony, situational irony, or verbal irony Hyperbole Pun
In each of the following cartoons: Identify how the satirist uses the techniques, who/what they are criticizing, and what message he/she is relaying to the audience. Satire Techniques: Dramatic irony, situational irony, or verbal irony Hyperbole Pun Personification Absurdity Reversal Incongruity

28 Identifying satire in cartoons: Identify how the satirist uses the techniques, who/what they are criticizing, and what message he/she is relaying to the audience.

29 Identifying satire in cartoons: Identify how the satirist uses the techniques, who/what they are criticizing, and what message he/she is relaying to the audience.

Satire Techniques: Dramatic irony, situational irony, or verbal irony Hyperbole Pun Personification Absurdity Reversal Incongruity Identify how the satirist uses the techniques, who/what they are criticizing, and what message he/she is relaying to the audience.

31 Onion videos Thanksgiving dinner ruined 5 hr energy Thompsons
Apollo 12 Reporter steps in to replace husband

32 J31-Parody Ads Name of Product/Service/Ad
What is the product/service/ad making fun of? Why is it funny? (tools: irony, hyperbole, reversal, incongruity, absurdity) Is there a greater message? If so, what?


34 PARODY ADS: YOUR GOAL in groups today: Write the first page of your script in 12 point Times New Roman font double space (at least one minute in length) Show Ms. K by the end of the period for 10 points

35 PARODY ADS: YOUR GOAL in groups today: Finish your script in 12 point Times New Roman font double space (at least 90 seconds in length and not more than 3 minutes) Use this format: Louie: Your baby is so cute and chubby. Jerry: Have you ever been embarrassed of your fat baby? Show Ms. K by the end of the period for 10 points

36 J32-Parody Song Identify the song the parody is poking fun of How is the artist poking fun of the song? What is funny about it? Is there a message?

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