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Comparison Operators Relational Operators.

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Presentation on theme: "Comparison Operators Relational Operators."— Presentation transcript:

1 Comparison Operators Relational Operators

2 Select all employees in the Research Department “Research” 2 >
Symbol Operator Examples What It Means 1 = Equal To DEPARTMENT Select all employees in the Research Department “Research” 2 > Greater Than SALARY Select all employees who make more than $40,000 >40000 3 >= Greater Than or Equal To Select all employees who make $40,000 or more >=40000 4 < Less Than Select all employees who make less than $40,000 <40000 5 <= Less Than or Equal To Select all employees who make $40,000 or less <=40000 6 <> Not Equal To Select all employees in any department other than the Research Department <>"Research"

3 Select employees in any department other than the Research Department
NOT LOGICAL OPERATOR Operator Examples What It Means 1 NOT Not Equal To DEPARTMENT Select employees in any department other than the Research Department NOT “Research”

4 “Finance” OR “Accounting”
OR LOGICAL OPERATOR Operator Example What It Means 1 OR DEPARTMENT Select all employees in the Finance Department and select all employees in the Accounting Department “Finance” OR “Accounting”

5 OR LOGICAL CONDITION DEPARTMENT “Finance” “Accounting” Operator
Example What It Means DEPARTMENT Select all employees in the Finance Department and select all employees in the Accounting Department “Finance” “Accounting”

Example What It Means 1 DEPARTMENT SALARY Select all employees in the Research Department who also make less than $40,000 “Research” <40000

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