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Retail Graph include version and

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1 Retail Graph include version and
Version Release on 11/03/2016 1

2 While Scheduling of branch transfer return out in Contact List it shows Customer name rather then Vendor name.(720953)

3 Carrier And Party carrier in Sales Detail And Purchase Detail.

4 Header Part of report not coming in scheduled mail in case use analysis report(717085).

5 System default in Product Info Tab 'Merge Product on Barcode Scan (Only for Sell Loose Items)'

6 Branch Transfer(Order) In/Out Option in Menu.

7 Option To Print NoofLabel on PrintBarcode from transactions.

8 Option in System Default for Auto Backup.

9 Option To Take Backup of Log Also .

10 No.Of.Mobile Users Option in Registration for Mobile App.

11 Mobile Server for Mobile Applicataion (option in System Default >>RetailGSetting >>Server IP Address)

12 Option To Export Trade Rate, Distribution Rate and Sale Rate on Transaction Series.

13 if Rates Exist in Exported File And Option 'Calculate sale rate while import' in Product info Tab on System Default is Checked. Then user has option to Import TradeRate, DistributionRate, SaleRate From TradeRate, DistributionRate, SaleRate, PurchaseRate while Import Transaction in Purchase Invoice.

14 Import Transaction-> Import Trade Rate, Import Sale Rate As, Import Dist Rate parameters once saved for particular transaction, After that it remains for that transaction To further edit Import Trade Rate, Import Sale Rate As, Import Dist. Rate parameters, we have to set below conditions accordingly System Default ->Rate And Valuation -> 'Always Import Trade Rate as Sale Rate’ is Unchecked And Also on Branch Master ‘Editable party And Series While Import’ Checked . Else it won't be editable.

15 Now Adjustments are available in Locked Receipt/Payment and Vouchers.

16 Master form "Mac Address" added in "Others" for Mobile App.

17 Now Branch Master having option to Port Number for Mobile App.

18 Problem rectified in this version are ………..
01.Solved Problem :: While Scheduling of branch transfer return out in Contact List it shows Customer name rather then Vendor name.(720953) 02.Solved Problem :: Product Conversion And Sales Replacement Save run Time error in case Select Numeric Alias from product List. 03.Solved Problem :: Carrier And Party carrier in Sales Detail And Purchase Detail. 04.Solved Problem :: Same Schedule run multiple times when activated in more than one user and all users login on same time. 05.Solved Problem :: In Sales Invoice When we Adjust return from F5 then barcode not pick Actual product in case of Selection of rtn type every time.(722096) 06.Solved Problem :: If series has " Default Cursor on Details" Checked then problem in Scan product first time. 18

19 Problem rectified in this version are ………..
07.Solved Problem :: Header Part of report not coming in scheduled mail in case use analysis report(717085). 08.Solved Problem :: Payroll Payslip Printing Variable->(726169) Code,SecurityID,Designation,Station,Department,PFAccNo,DOJ 09.Solved Problem :: Export to Excel showing Error on RawData tab of Analysis Reports. 10.Solved Problem :: Remarks Not Delete when Delete transaction(sales order 11.Solved Problem :: Product Query Receipt/Issue tab showing wrong value of Qty Column in case of Sell Loose Items. 12.Solved Problem :: Payroll Delete Monthly salary. 13.Solved Problem :: Remarks Not Save On FormView in Masters. 19

20 Problem rectified in this version are ………..
14.Solved Problem :: Error in view data 'Daily Summary Report'. 15.Print Barcode variable in product master And Rate And Stk Query-> BestBefore,BestBefore unit 16.System default in Product Info Tab 'Merge Product on Barcode Scan (Only for Sell Loose Items)' 17.Carrier Variable in Sales And Purchase Order. 18.Party Variable in Receipt. 19.Solved Problem ::Dynamic Form Value not Update in datatable in Case of cmbQuery in TextBox. 20.AdvanceAmount,AdvDeductAmount Variable in PaySlip.(726174) 21.Solved Problem :: Adjustments not Working Proper in Vouchers when adjust Other Voucher. 20

21 Problem rectified in this version are ………..
22.Solved Problem :: Data not Update proper from Recalculate Customer/Vendor Balance when Adjust Voucher in Other Voucher. 23.Solved Problem :: Trial Balance showing wrong value for Difference in Opening Balance. 24.Brnach Transfer(Order) In/Out Option in Menu. 25.Option To Print NoofLabel on Printbarcode from transactions. 26.Solved Problem :: Stock Ledger Location filter Not Working.(726383) 27.Solved Problem :: Reposting Sales Invoice,Narration Not Update Proper.(726400) 28.Increased Width of 'Start No' Column in 'Receive Form' Master. 21

22 Problem rectified in this version are ………..
29.Solved Problem :: Auto Select Wrong Customer on Account Selection in receipt.(724858) 30.Solved Problem :: Payment Mode Not Change According to csv When Import Csv File. 31.Solved Problem :: Payment Details Show error When Purchase import through csv file. 32.Solved Problem :: Problem In Import in case of challanID. 33.Solved Problem :: Problem in case of AutoAlreadyPurchase. 34.Solved Problem :: Date for deposit of the PDC cheques entered not taking as date equal to date of entry. 35.Solved Problem :: Deduction should calculate from LR date in place of Entry date. 22

23 Problem rectified in this version are ………..
36.Solved Problem :: Wants to show Entryno in refno in case refno is blank while generate ledger display. 37.Solved Problem :: Branch Address in print option is pending. 38.Option in sysdef for AutobackUp. 39.option to show process of backup on logout. 40.Option To Take backUp of Log Also . 41.Allow Expiry Product in Case Import Transaction after show message of same. 42.Solved Problem :: Receivables Ageing Report showing zero value in all ageing columns when select 'Consider Due Date' option 43.Solved Problem :: Consolidation settings in Datalink Properties showing error. 23

24 Problem rectified in this version are ………..
44.New Queries for Consolidation. 45.Solved Problem :: Not taking Backup on Login on Location specified in System Default and always showing message 'Backup can not be compressed please set Backup Path in System Default' 46.Solved Problem :: Schedule taking Time when there is large data in Contact List. 47.Now Scheduled Transactions will be Uploaded automatically when user not have edit rights. 48.No.Of.Mobile Users Option in Registration for Mobile App. 49.Now Registration No. of Demo Version is fixed ('R99999') and Export/Import and Support Center Option not available in this case. 24

25 Problem rectified in this version are ………..
50.Mobile Server for Mobile App.(option in System Default RGSetting Server IP Address) 51.Option To Export TradeRate,DistributionRate,SaleRate on transaction Series. 52. if Rates Exist in Exported File And Option 'Calculate sale rate while import' in Product info Tab on System Default is Checked. Then user has option to Import ‘TradeRate’, ‘DistributionRate’ and also option to import ‘SaleRate From TradeRate, DistributionRate, SaleRate, PurchaseRate’ while Import Transaction in Purchase Invoice. 53. Now Adjustments are available in Locked Receipt/Payment and Vouchers. 54. Improved Speed on Barcode scan in Sales. 55. Speed Improved, while convert order to invoice from Multiple Nodes. 25

26 Problem rectified in this version are ………..
56. Master form "Mac Address" added in "Others" for Mobile App. 57. Now Branch Master having option to Port Number for Mobile App. 58. Import Transaction-> Import Trade Rate, Import Sale Rate As, Import Dist. Rate Parameters once saved for particular transaction, After that it remains for that transaction. To further edit Import Trade Rate, Import Sale Rate As, Import Dist. Rate, we have to set below conditions accordingly a. System Default ->Rate And Valuation -> 'Always Import Trade Rate as Sale Rate’ is Unchecked b. Branch Master ‘Editable party And Series While Import’ Checked . Else it won't be editable. 59. Solved Problem :: Creating Wrong Voucher when 'Auto Open Payment Mode' in Series Master is selected and feed Payment Type as 'Credit Card' then press back from Payment Detail Window. 26

27 Problem rectified in this version are ………..
60. Solved Problem :: Transactions accepts payment more than Invoice Amount in case of Credit, Cheque & Credit Card Payment mode. 61. Solved Problem :: Set Grid Layout,if we press Alt+R or Alt+S then it opens Receivables and Issued forms respectively, where it should perform "Restore Default" and "Save" respectively 62. Solved Problem :: Expiry Date not save proper in sales when select UniqueID of more than one lot. 63. Solved Problem :: Purchase Return, Showing Product Tax from Master rather than from Lot when we fetch from NonSaleable Stock. 64.Solved Problem :: Receive Location Transfer showing error in case extra SP defined on Issue Location Transfer. 65.Solved Problem :: Cr/Dr not showing proper in Invoice List of Receipt Entry and Adjustments in Voucher 66.Solved Problem :: Pending Status of Order On Header/Detail not working from Convert Order To Invoice option. 27

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