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Linear Functions What is a Linear Function?

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Presentation on theme: "Linear Functions What is a Linear Function?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Linear Functions What is a Linear Function?
It can be written in one of two forms: Slope-Intercept Form→y = mx + b Standard Form→Ax + By = C It’s graph is a non-vertical straight line. It has a constant rate of change.

2 X-and Y-Intercepts Most linear functions have an x- and y- intercept.
Y-intercept is the y-coordinate of the point where the graph crosses the y-axis. The x-coordinate is ALWAYS zero. (O, y) X-intercept is the x-coordinate of the point where the graph crosses the x-axis. The y-coordinate is ALWAYS zero. (x, O)

3 Finding x-and y-intercepts
Example: Find the x- and y-intercepts. −6𝑥−8𝑦=24 x-int: Replace y with O y-int: Replace x with O −6𝑥−8(0)=24 −6 0 −8𝑦=24 −6𝑥=24 −8𝑦=24 𝑥=−4 𝑦=−3 x-intercept is -4 y-intercept is -3

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