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East meets West Buddhism meets ACT Sakyamuni meets Hayes

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Presentation on theme: "East meets West Buddhism meets ACT Sakyamuni meets Hayes"— Presentation transcript:

1 East meets West Buddhism meets ACT Sakyamuni meets Hayes

2 Outline Who am I? I and ACT ACT in China Promote ACT in China
ACT and Buddhism Barriers Solutions

3 Who am I ? Zhu zhuohong Professor
Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

4 I come from…… China

5 I come from…… China Beijing

6 I come from…… IoP

7 I come from…… IoP

8 I and ACT : Suffering from white hair before 2005 and I met with ACT in 2005.

9 ACT in China 2005 :I joined in ACBS and learnt RFT through internet.
2009: When I worked in Earthquake disaster area Mian zhu city, I learnt ACT from a ACT therapist from Canada. 2013: I participated in Hayes workshop in ACBS conference. 2013: We invited Prof. Kenneth Fung to Beijing give us a ACT workshop 2014:We invited Prof. Yan Li to Beijing to train ACT. 2014: We invited Prof. Robyn come to Beijing to train ACT . 2015/04/23:ACBS China chapter application was approved and has 50 members. 2015:I participated in Hayes workshop in ACBS conference in Berlin. 2016.1:We invited Prof. Li Yan come to Beijing to train ACT again. : We have trained more than 500 participants in ACT.

10 Kenneth Fung

11 Robyn

12 Li Yan




16 ACT Training in China: 14 Provinces and more than 500 participants

17 Training programs in 2016 Changchun:2016.4.9-10 Chongqing:2016.5.7-9
Beijing1: Chongqing: Qingdao: Tianjin: Zhongshan: Chengdu: Suzhou: Beijing2: Beijing3: Chengdu:

18 Research works on ACT and RFT

19 Research on ACT Reliability and validity test of AAQ-II Chinese version Reliability and validity test of CFQ Chinese version Relationships between Psychological Flexibility and Depression ,anxiety in Patients with Cancer Relationships between Psychological Flexibility and Depression ,anxiety in pregnant women. We plan to do some researches on RFT and autism in 2016.

20 ACT and mindfulness books in China



23 Chinese games in ACT

24 Our ACT protocol

25 Promote ACT in China In 10th.Jun.2016,My research group has set up five wechat(微信) groups and each group has 500 fans. Nearly 2500 counselors will also indirect participate ACBS event through the Internet.( I will report in 21:00 every night)



28 Promote ACT in China In order to share ACT with more people in China by Internet+, we created a public platform on wechat, called “Acceptance and commitment therapy, ACT”. There are 5370 people subscribed this wechat account .

29 Promote ACT in China

30 Promote ACT in China—ACT training Base

31 Promote ACT in China—ACT training Base

32 Promote ACT in China—ACT training Base

33 Promote ACT in China—ACT training Base

34 Promote ACT in China—ACT training Base

35 Promote ACT in China—ACT training Base
ACT and Buddhism

36 Buddhism and ACT: parallels

37 ACT Basic Hypotheses and The four seals of Buddhism: parallels
1、All lines are uncertainty(諸行無常):all thoughts、emotions、physical reactions、and behaviors are variation 2、All laws have no Self(諸法無我):three selves: experiential self\observe self\conceptual self 3、Life is always suffering (諸漏偕苦):verbal is the cause of suffering 4、Nirvana silence(涅槃寂静):Mindfulness and observe self

38 Similarity Relation between
Relational Frame Theory And Dependent Origination Theory(DOT) (縁起論:縁 relationship)

39 RFT-------------------------------DOT
RFT and DOT: parallels RFT DOT mutual entailment---- Rules of relation(縁法) combinatorial entailment---Rules from relation between relation(縁所生法) transformation of stimulus functions---affection of relations(缘力) 39

40 ACT psychopathology model
六边心理病理模型 ACT psychopathology model Conceptual past and future Avoidance and control Lack values Inflexibility Fusion Inactive action Attachment to conceptual self

41 Six afflictions model of Buddhism
六边心理病理模型 Six afflictions model of Buddhism desire angry doubt Suffering 苦恼 Ignorance conceit attachment

42 ACT Hexaflex model 觉察当下 Contact with present values acceptance
flexibility defusion Commitment action Self as context

43 Six Parami of Buddhism 觉察当下 meditation 禅定 Alms giving patience 布施 忍辱
happiness abstain 持戒 virya 精进 wisdom 般若

44 ACT three-selves model Three Bodies of Buddha
Observe self Conceptive Process Enjoyment body Sambhogakaya 报身 化身 Nirmanakaya Emanation body Wisdom truth body Dharmakaya 法身

45 Barriers Language Internet firewall

46 Solutions Translate ACT works Set up China Chapter web
ACT Trainer training

47 Above the clouds, we have the same blue sky, across the culture, we have the same pure consciousness.

48 Thanks for your attention!
Welcome to Beijing!

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