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PA 8 Action Plan Status of implementation 4th Steering Group meeting

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1 PA 8 Action Plan Status of implementation 4th Steering Group meeting
13 November 2012 | Stuttgart, Germany

2 1. Improvement of the interdisciplinary cooperation and the transfer of knowledge between companies, science and public administration 2. Improvement of business support Action Plan of PA 8 (1/2) 3. Improvement of high performing training and qualification schemes (vocational educational training) 4. Implementation "Small Business Act for Europe"

3 5. Strengthening the competitiveness of rural and urban areas
6. Elimination of cross-border barriers Action Plan of PA 8 (2/2) 7b. Advancement of the infrastructure (i.e. environmental technology, communications infrastructure, technology parks) 7a. Improvement of framework conditions for economic organizations such as chambers, associations and SMEs

Implementation status Action Sample Projects listed in the Action Plan Respecting WG of PA 8 Status Output/ Comment 1. Cooperation and transfer of knowledge Programme for clusters and SME-networks WG Clusters Cluster Atlas Transfer of creative knowledge WG Innovation & Technology Transfer Transfer Centres Strengths in the creative, cultural and tourism industries WG Competitiveness in Urban Areas CODCR activities Cooperation PAs 7, 9 Network for innovative environmental technologies WG Environment & Energy Efficiency Set-up of WG under way Support: implementation of eco-efficient processes in SMEs 2. Improvement of business support Annual economic forums WG Chamber Cooperations Set-up of WG under way Strengthening of entrepreneurs and SMEs IEDC - Bled School of Management SEECEL Forums Programmes 3. Training and qualification schemes Joint programmes for professional/vocational training WG Vocational Educational Training Automotive Sector Project CCI Budapest EU STRATEGY FOR THE DANUBE REGION (EUSDR) |

Implementation status Action Sample Projects listed in the Action Plan Respecting WG of PA 8 Status Output/ Comment 4. "Small Business Act for Europe" - WG Entrepreneurial Learning SEECEL activities 5. Competitive-ness of rural and urban areas SIRA WG Competitiveness in Rural Areas Project needs financing Development of fisheries areas Not started yet 6. Elimination of cross-border barriers Seamless Europe SOLVIT-Centres Not started yet 7. Framework conditions and infrastructure Joint/ networked industrial and technology parks in border regions WG Innovation & Technology Transfer and BSC Ruse Contacts technology parks Venture capital for SMEs BSC Ruse Proposal on financial instruments for SMEs EU STRATEGY FOR THE DANUBE REGION (EUSDR) |

6 Conclusion Implementation of 8 of the 14 sample projects is under way 4 more activities could start immediately. Needed: - lead management - funding  Details: inputs/ up-dates by PA 8 Working Groups

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