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The Judicial Branch The Federal Courts.

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Presentation on theme: "The Judicial Branch The Federal Courts."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Judicial Branch The Federal Courts

2 3 Levels of Court in US Justice System
Supreme Court Courts of Appeals District Courts

3 Equal Justice for All Courts try to ensure our nations laws are justly enforced Constitutional Right Court will appoint lawyer Presumed innocence

4 Role of the Courts Civil disputes Guilt/Innocence Private parties
Private parties v. Govt US v. state/local government Guilt/Innocence

5 Federal Courts Established by Constitution.
1789 – Judiciary Act – district courts & circuit courts of appeals 1891 – Federal Appeals Courts and circuits/districts they serve Federal Court system exists alongside 50 state court systems.

6 Federal Court Jurisdiction
Jurisdiction must involve one of the following: The Constitution Federal Laws Disputes between States Citizens from Different States Federal Government Foreign Governments & Treaties Admiralty & Maritime Laws US Diplomats

7 Examples of Federal Jurisdiction
Kinds of Cases Examples Cases involving the Constitution Person believes 1st Amendment right is violated Involving Federal Laws Kidnapping, tax evasion, counterfeiting Foreign Governments and Treaties Any dispute between foreign government and the US government or an American Company or citizen Admiralty and Maritime Law Any crime or accident outside territorial waters Involving Federal Government Contract disputes between the federal government and a company

8 Types of Jurisdiction Exclusive Jurisdiction Concurrent Jurisdiction

9 How Federal Courts Are Organized
The Judicial Branch How Federal Courts Are Organized

10 Courts of Appeals District Courts
12 Circuits Appellate jurisdiction Review decisions made in district courts No guilt or innocence decisions Review federal regulatory agency rulings No juries 13th Court of Appeals has nationwide Jurisdiction 94 Districts At least one in each state Original Jurisdiction Where all federal cases begin Trial courts for criminal and civil cases Decides guilt or innocence Witnesses Juries Federal Courts cover set geographic areas. Judges

11 US District Courts 94 District courts in all
Every state has at least 1 All federal cases must begin in district court Original Jurisdiction Trials & lawsuits

12 US Courts of Appeals Appellate Jurisdiction 12 US courts of appeals
Review decisions of district courts 12 US courts of appeals Three types of decisions: Uphold original decision Reversing decision Remanding the case

13 Announcing the Decision
Appeals Court decision: Judge writes opinion which will set precedent for all courts/agencies within district.

14 Federal Judges More than 650 judges presiding over district courts
Each appeals court has 6-28 judges.

15 Selection of Federal Judges
Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution Senatorial Courtesy Tenure

16 Other Court Officials Magistrates US Attorneys US Marshals

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