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A new Local Plan for Tunbridge Wells

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Presentation on theme: "A new Local Plan for Tunbridge Wells"— Presentation transcript:

1 A new Local Plan for Tunbridge Wells

2 Changing World No top down Regional Plan targets
Weight / influence of national planning policy (NPPF) Push for development growth Increased Housing need figures (objectively assessed need (OAN) 650 homes a year (2013/2033) Reduced countryside protection. Pressure on Green Belt and AONB

3 Challenges Dealing with rate of planning changes
Continuous policy and process changes Responding to Government Growth Objective Delivering housing and business needs locally Producing an up to date Local Plan A plan that will pass examination/challenge and in a timely fashion, i.e. 2018 Avoiding planning by appeal Maintaining local decision making

4 Local Plan: Way forward
Single Plan document Vision - the sort of place we want the borough to be Strategy - what development, where and when Allocations - sites to deliver the development and shape the borough Policies - to guide and inform development, protect assets Objective - a shorter, more concise plan informed by a range of key evidence base studies

5 Current v Future Strategy Maintain existing employment position
Core Strategy 2006/26 New Local Plan 2013/33 6,000 homes 300 per year 12,960 homes 648 per year Status Quo Maintain existing employment position 11/15 Hectares new Business Space l 32,000sqm comparison retail 2,000sqm convenience retail 32,000sqm comparison retail 7,500 – 9,500sqm convenience retail

6 Issues and Options Status of Document in Plan Making Process
Council are not making any decisions at this stage regarding: the direction of future strategy future planning policy the allocations of sites Decisions on these matters are for the future stages of the Plan preparation once the outcomes of: Issues and Options consultation Strategic Land Availability Assessment are known No set decisions at this stage. Outcomes of Issues and Options consultation and Strategic Land Availability Assessment will be key influences on draft plan.

7 No change to CS approach and hierarchy

8 CS approach to hierarchy plus Pembury, Rusthall, Goudhurst, Brenchley, Lamberhurst and Five Oak Green




12 Local Plan Preparation
What next: Issues and Options consultation 2 May – 12 June Second ‘Call for Sites’ 2 May – 12 June Complete & commission remaining key evidence studies Shape final strategy and draft site allocations Consult Spring 2018 on final draft Local Plan Submit Draft Plan Summer 2018 Examination of Draft Plan 2018 Adoption of Local Plan 2019

13 Local Plan Review Timescales
Examination Submission Local Plan Final Draft Local Plan Emerging Draft Local Plan Issues & Options Consult Consultation May and June 2017 Shape final strategy and possible site allocations Sept - Dec Consult Early (Spring) 2018 Submit Draft Plan Summer 2018 Autumn 2018 Decisions to shape final strategy and possible site allocations will be required final quarter of this year.

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