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‘To Market’ by Marian Ingoldsby.

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Presentation on theme: "‘To Market’ by Marian Ingoldsby."— Presentation transcript:

1 ‘To Market’ by Marian Ingoldsby

2 Question and Answer Question: s s s s s s s m f r Answer: s s s s s s f r m d

3 Adding words s s s s s s s m f r
mar - ket to mar - ket to buy a fat pig s s s s s s f r m d home a - gain, home a - gain jigg - ett - y jig Anything missing?

4 What about ‘to’ market? Where should the word ‘to’ go?

5 Question… What’s the fastest way to get through the town to
go to market? Pick an answer… To swim? To cartwheel? To march?

6 March Rhythm: basic notes
Listen to the following rhythm. Then join in. Now make up your own body percussion in groups of 3 to match it.

7 March Rhythm: variation

8 March Melody Let’s sing… Now try this…

9 March Rhythm Lets add soh… And now let’s add our March Rhythm…

10 Let’s look at the score…
Can you find our question and answers melody?

11 What else is happening? Who can tell me what happens in the voice above the question and answers? Can you find our March Melody?

12 Let’s look at the text… Does the composer only buy a ‘fat pig’ at market? Then who is this?

13 Pig versus Hog The Pig The Hog Let’s compare…

14 Children’s views Pig… ‘He’s not as fat so he has skinnier notes’.
‘He can skip’. ‘Jiggetty jig’ ‘6/8’ Hog… ‘We have to fit in more notes because he’s fatter.’ ‘He can march’. ‘Jiggetty jog’ ‘4/4’ ‘He has shades and a scarf!’

15 Percussion Can you see the March Rhythm anywhere else in the score?
Let’s play it on percussion. Now let’s add the animal sounds at bar 22: moo, bah, boc boc

16 Learning Outcomes Question and Answer melody concept
Tonic solfa and hand signs Using a choral score Melody and rhythm recognition 2-part singing Composition through body percussion Singing in mixed time signatures Pedal note Upbeat To Market - Learning Outcomes (according to the composer) Anacrusis (upbeat start) Two-part singing Percussion (swanee whistle etc. cowbell) Speech song “America” rhythm (6/8 to ¾ feel) Dotted rhythms Jig rhythm Thematic transformation (same music, different rhythm) Unity of form (ABAB pitch material, but ABBA time sig) Augmenting the rhythm (to represent fat hog) Triplets

17 Further Classwork Teach the children how to conduct the intro.
Add in the ‘oinks’ and other animal sounds. Teach the harmony (bars and 33-48). Let the students decide on the dynamics. 6/8 time. Triplets and duplets. Form by melody or by time signature.

18 There is no backing track
Because there is no piano accompaniment

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