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“I can’t accept any responsibility…”

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Presentation on theme: "“I can’t accept any responsibility…”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “I can’t accept any responsibility…”
To evaluate Mr Birling’s involvement in the death. All: Tell me what happens to Eva Smith. Most: locate quotations. Some: evaluate Priestley’s intentions.

2 Starter: “If we were all responsible for everything that happened to everybody we’d had anything to do with, it would be very awkward, wouldn’t it?” Under what circumstances should we take responsibility for things that happen to others? Who says this? In what cases can we not take responsibility? 2 2 2

3 Act One: page 13-20 Birling Inspector Eric Gerald Sheila
How is Mr Birling responsible? What do his actions reveal about him? 3 3 3

4 Taking responsibility
Explain what happened to Eva Smith, and how Mr Birling’s actions contributed to this. Do you think Mr Birling can be blamed for her death? Why / why not? How does Priestley suggest that Capitalism is destructive to society? Finished? Imagine you are Mr Birling. Write a paragraph from his point of view, explaining the events of the evening so far and how he feels about the Inspector’s visit. 4 4 4

5 My name is Arthur Birling.
Plenary: My name is Arthur Birling. I think that… One fact about me is… I worry that… 5 5 5

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