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DIGC POE By Simon Smailes.

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1 DIGC POE By Simon Smailes

2 Question 1





7 What did the survey show in terms of accessibility?
The vast majority (28/30) had the internet available at home. The minority relied solely on the internet provided at Varsity College.

8 Did all students surveyed have access to the Internet outside of campus?
No, only 2/30 people didn’t have access, while the rest did. Unless you refer to personal data on cellular devices, then all people have internet access.

9 If not, why do you think this is the case?
A small number of people, especially in rural areas do not have an ADSL line at home. Which means they’re unable to receive WIFI at home. Most places that have fibre cables, those cables aren’t up and running yet. Satellite internet is an expensive route to follow and most are unable to afford it.

10 Did socio-economic factors play a role in your findings?
Yes in terms of satellite internet is outrageously expensive but no in the sense that WIFI is affordable and most homes have WIFI.

11 Did everyone have the same level of skill in using technology?
No, some people are more proficient at using technology than others.

12 Was there a correlation between the level of access available and skills?
Yes, as if you don’t have access to the internet, you aren’t able to use and learn about the internet. So yes, availability does correlate to level of skill. However not everyone is interested, so I think the availability allows choice for people to learn and use the internets potential.

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