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Africa: Conflict Without Borders Google Earth Mash-Up

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Presentation on theme: "Africa: Conflict Without Borders Google Earth Mash-Up"— Presentation transcript:

1 Africa: Conflict Without Borders Google Earth Mash-Up

2 Usual Conflict Map


4 Africa: Conflicts Without Borders
Instead of the usual depiction of conflicts as countrywide and defined by national boundaries, this map visualizes conflict in Africa as sub-national and transnational areas of armed conflict, inter-communal strife, and political violence that occurred so far in 2009.  Areas of conflict were drawn around locations of reported conflict incidents in , as well as concentrations of internally displaced persons and cross-border rebel bases and refugee camps in neighboring countries.  This depiction of areas of conflict more accurately displays where conflict has been occurring in Africa and the sub-national and transnational nature of these conflicts. 


6 Africa: Conflicts Without Borders
Static Poster Map

7 Unclassified

8 Unclassified

9 Unclassified

10 Unclassified

11 Unclassified

12 Future Plans for Conflict Map
Link to spatial database for fast updating of conflict areas and attributes Incorporate other data layers, such as water and natural resources Build into a browser-based application for easier viewing by the public






18 State/INR/HIU collaborative relationships with UN, NGOs, academia
UN – Office of Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (ReliefWeb, IRIN, Humanitarian Information Centers), UNOSAT, UNHCR, WFP, FAO, etc. NGOs – InterAction, Information Management and Mine Action Programs (IMMAP), US Holocaust Museum Genocide Crisis in Darfur Project, NiJel Academia – Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, Tufts University, Center for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED)

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