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Introduction to the workshop

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1 Introduction to the workshop
Introduction to the workshop. 1) First: Some Logistical Issues 2) Why are we gathered here at this workshop? Adrian Bevan August 2014

2 First: Some Logistical Issues
Power There are limited power sockets in this room, and extension leads in 1.15 (upstairs where we have coffee and lunch). Wifi Please use (i) eduroam or (ii) QM-Events wifi accounts. See your registration pack for details regarding the wifi. In case of fire: Assemble in muster point the library square. August 2014

3 First: Some Logistical Issues
The rest of the week: each day starts at 08:30, with coffee provided upstairs. Talks commence in this room promptly at 9am. Dinner on Thursday: 19:00 in the Octagon If you want to come to dinner on Thursday and have not yet told us, please see the registration desk TODAY. We need to confirm numbers with the caterers this afternoon. August 2014

August 2014

5 The glass half full view of modern physics
We are doing just fine, standing on the shoulders if intellectual giants: Quantum mechanics works. Special relativity works. General relativity works. You wait ages for a scalar field, then several come along at once. There are many good experiments out there and more are on the way. These will push back our understanding of modern physics further. August 2014

6 The glass half empty view of modern physics
Our understanding of the stuff in the Universe August 2014

7 The glass half empty view of modern physics
Our understanding of the stuff in the Universe Normal Matter: We know what this is and have studied it in great detail. We still get surprised by what we measure. August 2014

8 The glass half empty view of modern physics
Our understanding of the stuff in the Universe Dark Matter: Uncovered in the '70's, and we don't really understand it yet. Normal Matter: We know what this is and have studied it in great detail. We still get surprised by what we measure. August 2014

9 The glass half empty view of modern physics
Our understanding of the stuff in the Universe Dark Matter: Uncovered in the '70's, and we don't really understand it yet. Dark Energy: Caught us by surprise and we're still trying to understand how this fits into the big picture. Normal Matter: We know what this is and have studied it in great detail. We still get surprised by what we measure. August 2014

10 The 4% of stuff we know August 2014

11 The 4% of stuff we know Only explains some phenomena of 4% of the matter in the Universe. Doesn't explain why the Universe is made of matter. Only just confirmed experimentally how mass fits into the picture. Doesn't explain mass hierarchy. Doesn't include dark matter. Doesn't include gravity. Has many ad-hoc fudges. Is probed increasingly large experiments that take decades to build. August 2014

12 The Higgs boson is new and we need to understand it.
All conceivable experimental paradigms are being pursued but... is there something we missed? Direct searches are consistent with what we know about quarks, leptons and bosons. The Higgs boson is new and we need to understand it. top is no longer the new kid on the block, and we need to understand it more precisely. Lighter quarks are still giving deeper insight into the fundamental nature of matter via direct searches for more exotic types of new physics and via indirect constraints on new phenomena. August 2014

13 neutrinos All conceivable experimental paradigms are being pursued but... is there something we missed? Neutrinos are very odd indeed... they mix in a way sort of analogous to the quarks, but the mixing is maximal. Many fundamental questions remain about their nature, and how they fit into the bigger picture. August 2014

14 charged leptons All conceivable experimental paradigms are being pursued but... is there something we missed? Charged lepton flavour violation is tiny in the standard model. Many scenarios could lead to observable effects. Beautiful experiments are designed, built and run to push the envelope. Will those efforts be rewarded? August 2014

15 The 4% of stuff we know p p LHC
A decade ago many people believed that the Holy Grail of "new physics" was just around the corner. TeV scale new physics hailed by naturalness would be discovered in the early years of running for the LHC. p LHC p Will 2015 bring us the Holy Grail we have been searching for for so long? If so how would those results fit into the bigger picture of the early moments of the Universe? August 2014

16 The 4% of stuff we know Is naturalness guaranteed?
Definitely not... but we hope to hear more about that this week. We know a lot about the Standard Model particles, but understand very little about their fundamental nature. Also know some critical parts are still missing... Isidori & Teubert Eur.Phys.J.Plus 129 (2014) 40 August 2014

17 21% of stuff we don't know There is a lot of evidence for Dark Matter, dating back to the rotational velocity measurements of M31. A lot of work has been done since this discovery. We know a lot as a result, but understand very little at a fundamental level. Rubin & Ford, APJ (1970) August 2014

18 21% of stuff we don't know Some different solutions being sought after: Dark sector models: Weakly interacting textured sector linked to the SM via some U(1) or other coupling model. Axions: Solution to the strong CP problem ... but at a keV mass scale would provide background noise to all Quantum computers. That would be an interesting impact case to write in your next grant! WIMPS: Will we see these through direct detection, scattering or some evidence in the cascade of decays produced in a collider. August 2014

19 21% of stuff we don't know Actively seeking dark matter through
Direct & indirect detection methods Focus from accelerators is on SUSY's LSP Evidence for the dark sector Less exotic thoughts from other areas: sterile neutrinos WIMP scattering / annihilation ... What combination of solutions will prevail in the end? August 2014

20 And the other stuff ... Dark energy ... who ordered that?
... what is it? How does it fit into our understanding? August 2014

21 The new frontier Experimentally – continue to push the limits:
Larger experiments with ultra pure materials. Bigger, better observational experiments both on the Earth and in space. Higher energy accelerators: incremental increases are possible... but how can we get a paradigm shift? Higher intensity accelerators: The electricity bill and fundamental machine physics limits progress. Less often we also have novel ideas for new ways to explore. Theoretically – a wealth of activity inspires experiment. But we lack experimental breakthroughs to revolutionise. August 2014

22 Has indirect evidence already been found?
We are approaching an era where we can expect direct discovery of gravitational waves. Has indirect evidence already been found? What can we learn about inflation as a result? How can we push forward our understanding of the framework that we use describe our limited understanding of nature? August 2014

23 Why are we gathered here at this workshop?
The energy/mass of the universe has evolved from the Big Bang into the matter dominated state. We don't understand the origin... We don't understand the evolution... We don't understand fully the current state of the Universe... We don't understand fully the particle description... Many facets of these problems are manifest in particle and astroparticle sub-fields. Why are we gathered here at this workshop? To explore these questions from a more holistic view than the individual sub-fields, and hopefully come away with a deeper appreciation of nature as a result. August 2014

24 The rest of today provides a smorgasbord of topics.
The rest of the week will delve deeper into these, and more. We hope that the networking side of this week will allow for interesting discussions around the subject. August 2014

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