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Workshop orientation Workshop Safety

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1 Workshop orientation Workshop Safety
Cycle 1 Workshop orientation Workshop Safety In the school workshop, students always use tools with sharp edge and operate some dangerous machine for the project work. Therefore, students must be very careful during working and observe all workshop safety rules.

2 1.   Safety rules for student's outfit in the workshop.   i)  Always wear protective clothing (an apron or overall) ii) Wear hard leather shoes or safety shoes. Do not wear sandals or rubber shoes﹔ iii) Roll up sleeves and take off your tie and watch﹔ iv) Tie up long hair.


4 2. Use suitable tools or machines for your work.

5 3. Enter the workshop only with the teacher's permission.


7 4. Do not use any tools or machines without the teacher's permission.

8 5. Never work alone in the workshop.

9 6. When carrying tools, point the sharp edge downwards.

10 7. A machine must always be operated by one student at a time.


12 8. Switch off the machine before adjusting or cleaning.


14 9. Do not run or play in the workshop.

15 10. When carrying large objects or tools, take great note of the surrounding.

16 11. Press the emergency button in case of accidents and inform the teacher immediately.


18 12. Do not put tools or materials near the edge of the bench.

19 13. Do not leave any tools, materials or waste on the bench, machine or floor after working.


21 14. Always clean the bench, machine and floor after working and make sure that there is no paint, oil, dirt or rubbish left behind.


23 15. No eating in the workshop.

24 16. Inform the teacher of the damaged tool.








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