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The Key Fob Materials and Processes Show what you Know!

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Presentation on theme: "The Key Fob Materials and Processes Show what you Know!"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Key Fob Materials and Processes Show what you Know!
Name: Class: By the end of this unit you will be able to: Health and Safety Understand when to wear PPE (Personal Protective Equipment). Identify and understand common health and safety symbols. Identify the importance of safety when using workshop tools and machines. Materials and Processes Demonstrate an understanding and the main features of plastics. Know how to join plastics together and finish the edges of plastic Identify and use tools in the workshop (files, pillar drill, bandfacer and polisher). Show what you Know! Question 1 What are files used for in the workshop? ____________________________________________________________________ Question 2 Why do we use plastics instead of other materials like wood and metal? Question 3 If you want to put a hole in a piece of plastic, what machine might you use? ____________________________

2 BEFORE entering the workshop
KF 1.1 BEFORE entering the workshop Connect the sentence with the answer. I do this to stop me from getting tangled up in machines Remove all jewellery I don’t want to saw my hair off! Tuck my clothes in My Pandora bracelet costs a lot. I should behave and be positive/confident The workshop machines look scary Tie long hair back KF 1.2 WHEN in the workshop Connect the sentence with the answer. I don’t want to get my shirt dirty. Wear eye protectors A pirate may look cool but I want to keep both of my eyes! Only one student at a machine at any time I don’t need a hand when using a machine Wear an apron That looks complicated Ask the teacher KF 1.3 Opps, I’ve had an accident! Connect the sentence with the answer. I’ve cut my finger Run it under water for 10mins I’ve burnt my finger Wash it out (don’t rub it) I think I’ve something in my eye? Sit down and tell a friend I feel faint Report ALL accidents

3 Hazard Signs Safe Condition Signs Safety Signs Harmful/Irritant Danger
KF 2.1 Safety Signs Use your ICT skills to find out the safety signs for each of the following. Harmful/Irritant Danger Electrical Corrosive Toxic Explosive Flammable Hazard Signs Safe Condition Signs First Aid Eye Wash Emergency Cut Off Face Protector

4 Safety using Tools and Machines.
KF 3.1 Safety using Tools and Machines. You are a Health and Safety Inspector and you have walked unto this site. How many risks and hazards can you see? Circle/highlight them. I can see a total of ________ risks and hazards. KF 3.2 You are the teacher! How many risks and hazards can you see in this picture? Circle/highlight them. I can see a total of ________ risks and hazards.

5 How challenged do you feel when completing this page?
KF 4.1 Plastics Use your ICT skills to find out about the two main types of plastic. Thermoplastics are _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Thermosetting plastics are ___________________________________________________________ The difference between the two are ___________________________________________________ Can you split the following plastics into the two groups below Thermosetting Plastic Thermoplastic Melamine Polyester Acrylic PVC Nylon Epoxy Resin Urea Formaldehyde Rigid Polystyrene How challenged do you feel when completing this page? 10

6 Key Fob Concepts Pillar Drill
KF 5.1 Key Fob Concepts Design 5 key fob shapes, render each one and name them. BE CREATIVE KF 5.2 Pillar Drill The pillar drill makes __________ in materials. It can drill into W_______, M________ & P____________ A pillar drill is better than a cordless drill because; _____________________________________________

7 1 2 3 4 5 Gluing plastics Finishing the edges of plastics
KF 6.1 Gluing plastics Illustrate (draw) the processes for gluing plastics together Scratch the sides you want to glue Clean the sides to ensure no dust Apply tensol cement evenly Clamp the plastic using a vice KF 6.2 Finishing the edges of plastics Name and describe the processes for finishing plastics below. Show what you know! Why should you only file on the push stroke? ___________________________________________ When polishing, why should you only use the bottom half of the mop? _________________________________________________________________________________ Can you name the 3 different file types we have? _____________, ____________, _____________ 1 2 3 4 5 Name of Process Description

8 Photo of finished product
BC 7.1 Marking for Improvement What skills have you acquired during this project? (e.g. filing the edges of plastic) _____________________________________________________________________________________ Name one thing you liked about the project and one thing you did not like about the project Liked ____________________________________________________________________________________ Did not like _______________________________________________________________________________ No. Manufacturing Criteria Mark Score 1 Plastic is glued using Tensol Cement 5 2 I’m happy with my design 3 The edges of the plastic are finished 10 4 The hole is drilled and key ring attached Photo of finished product Teacher Comment: Teacher Signature: _________________________ Total Mark

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