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ABA Section of Litigation Cindy C. Albracht-Crogan, Esq.

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1 Superstar Associates: Care and Pride in Work + Consistent and Reliable = Trustworthy
ABA Section of Litigation Cindy C. Albracht-Crogan, Esq. COHEN KENNEDY DOWD & QUIGLEY, P.C. Solo and Small Firm Committee, Co-Chair

2 10 Secrets of a Superstar Associate
Tom Hentoff, “The Secrets of Superstar Associates,” ABA Litigation, Vol. 32, No. 3 (Spring 2006) 1. Work Hard. Don’t just put in “face time.” Dig into the facts and documents that will enhance your legal research, conclusions and longevity on the case. Volunteer for work. This not only gives you more control over what you will work on, it sends a message that you are ready and willing to help on projects.

3 10 Secrets of a Superstar Associate
Tom Hentoff, “The Secrets of Superstar Associates,” ABA Litigation, Vol. 32, No. 3 (Spring 2006) 2. Establish an Excellent Reputation. You will spend the rest of your career fighting or benefitting from your early reputation. Assume that your very first projects will be internally discussed by the partners and other associates. Every project is an opportunity to instill a partner’s confidence in you and encourage him/her to want to work with you again.

4 10 Secrets of a Superstar Associate
Tom Hentoff, “The Secrets of Superstar Associates,” ABA Litigation, Vol. 32, No. 3 (Spring 2006) 3. Think Like a Partner. Take ownership of your cases. Partners have anxiety about their cases. One of your goals should be to relieve their anxiety by showing them that you are also concerned about the overall development of the case. Don’t just complete tasks assigned to you. Think about what else could be done to help the client and develop your case. Don’t be afraid to do preliminary work on additional issues and strategize with the partner on the case. You will gradually become indispensable.

5 10 Secrets of a Superstar Associate
Tom Hentoff, “The Secrets of Superstar Associates,” ABA Litigation, Vol. 32, No. 3 (Spring 2006) 4. View Everyone as a Client. Show respect to everyone in the office: partners, associates and staff. The best attorneys empower their legal team. Extend that respect to judges, court reporters and other third party vendors with whom you work. Such respect can take the form of turning in assignments timely, never being late for meetings and objectively listening to the concerns of others.

6 10 Secrets of a Superstar Associate
Tom Hentoff, “The Secrets of Superstar Associates,” ABA Litigation, Vol. 32, No. 3 (Spring 2006) 5. Treat Professional Development as if it were a Case. Figure out what litigation practices you enjoy (trial, injunctions, employment matters, etc.) and seek out those matters. Market yourself internally by selecting a topic and becoming an expert, such as electronic discovery. 6. Remember – Litigation is Fun.

7 10 Secrets of a Superstar Associate
Tom Hentoff, “The Secrets of Superstar Associates,” ABA Litigation, Vol. 32, No. 3 (Spring 2006) 7. Think Like a Student, but Don’t Act Like You are in School. View litigation as an opportunity to become educated in the development of the law, best practices and your client’s specific industry. Be proactive, interested and ask questions. Seek to work with the best people. Do not treat your work as a school assignment that you turn in and receive a grade. View your work as aiding the litigation team and continue to develop the concept and additional ideas.

8 10 Secrets of a Superstar Associate
Tom Hentoff, “The Secrets of Superstar Associates,” ABA Litigation, Vol. 32, No. 3 (Spring 2006) 8. Be Enthusiastic. Be positive: No one wants to work with a Debby Downer. Keep up your attitude (even at 2 a.m.).

9 10 Secrets of a Superstar Associate
Tom Hentoff, “The Secrets of Superstar Associates,” ABA Litigation, Vol. 32, No. 3 (Spring 2006) 9. Cultivate Good Judgment. Cut through the legal and other issues to determine the client’s needs and meet them. Watch and listen: figure out what is appropriate to say at meetings, what to do when there is a problem with document production, how much work to take on, when to ask for help, etc. Know that you will make mistakes. Notify someone immediately, address the mistake quickly and learn from them.

10 10 Secrets of a Superstar Associate
Tom Hentoff, “The Secrets of Superstar Associates,” ABA Litigation, Vol. 32, No. 3 (Spring 2006) 10. Find Informal Mentors. Relationships should be collegial. Most partners want to be asked for their advice.

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