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ISA 201 Information System Acquisition

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1 ISA 201 Information System Acquisition

2 Lesson 1 Introduction Name: Mike Thorne Lesson Point of Contact: LESSON INFORMATION*************************************************************************************************** Phone: Read Ahead: None Presentation: 1.5 hours Length of Presentation: 1.5 Exercise: 0 hours *ELO: Lesson / Activity Plan Template **************************************************************************************************************************** Lesson/Activity Title: Introduction Lesson/Activity #: 1 Deployed: 2-Feb-17 Prepared By: Mike Thorne, LESSON/ACTIVITY DETAILS Planned Academic Time Required: 120 Minutes See master schedule located in Course Documents folder. The time for this lesson/activity plan is broken out as follows: Individual Work NA Introduction & Welcome: 5 minutes Instructor Guided Discussion 54 minutes (includes introductions) Group Work NA Planned Breaks 10 minutes (includes time planned at the end of this lesson/activity) Lesson Review 1 Support Requirements – Must be reflected in the POI. Equipment Required/Desired Check all that apply to this lesson/activity 2nd box is Desired 1st box is Required NOTE: ☒ ☐ Instructor COMPUTERS ☐ ☐ One per 2 Students ☒ ☐ One per Student ☒ ☐ w/ Projection Capability ☐ ☐ One per Group ☒ ☐ Printer ☐ ☒ Internet Access ☒ ☐ Whiteboard ☒ ☐ Easel w/ Paper and Pens per group ☐ ☐ Calculators ☐ ☒ Student Response System ☐ ☐ Video Player Software/Related and Hardware Required/Desired ☐ ☐ MS Project ☒ ☐ MS Office Suite ☒ ☐ BB/ATLAS Interface ☐ ☐ ACEIT (and COSTAT) ☐ ☐ Palisade's Decision Tools Suite ☐ ☐ Standard load plus explorer applets (JAVA, Flash, etc.) ☐ ☐ Steelray Analyzer ☐ ☐ CAC Reader w/ software ☐ ☐ Calculator ☒ ☐ DAU Software Cost Estimating Tool ☐ ☐ DAMIR (replaced CARS) ☐ ☐ COSTAT ☐ ☐ SharePoint ☐ ☐ FormFlow ☐ ☐ Adobe Acrobat Reader ☐ ☐ TurningPoint w/ Hardware ☐ ☐ Novonics simulation software ☐ ☐ Dragon Fly ☒ Standard Classroom # 0 Break Out Rooms Facilities Required: Support Requirements Not identified above: N/A INSTRUCTOR PREPARATION Type, Ref, Description or Identification Supporting Materials and Location This presentation is the only support material needed for this lesson. Reference Material and Location (Type and Description or Identification) Student CD that includes all of the lesson slides and references See BlackBoard Content Collection Institution/Courses/Deployed/ISA/ISA201 for current materials and references. Course Manager Comments STUDENT PREPARATION Required - Complete ISA101, CLE003, CLE0068 and CLE074 Required Student Preparation None

3 Course Overview Lesson Plan Status Welcome Important Policies
Introductions Questions SLIDE INFORMATION*************************************************************************************************************************** *Slide Type: Content (Content or Exercise) *Supporting ELOs ID: *Policy / Directive / Standard / DTM ID: ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Key Points: Key Questions to Ask and Anticipated Answers: Terms \ Definitions \ Acronyms: Introduction

4 Course Schedule-ISA 201 Week 1 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Introduction Program Planning Quiz 1 Cybersecurity Quiz 2 JCIDS Lunch Systems Engineering Risk Management Measurement Architecture Cost Estimation Panel Preparation Practicum 1 Practicum 2 Homework Time Quiz Review Week 2 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 System Design Cloud Computing Quiz 3 Lifecycle Planning Quiz 4 IT Contracting Practicum 4 Software Development SW Quality Student Panels Graduation CPI & BPR SW T&E Practicum 4 Intro Practicum 3 Days start at 0800; Lunch will be 1 hour; Day ends at 1700 Current Events will be after Lunch on Days 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8

5 Selected Topics from Previous Quizzes
3 Closed Book Quizzes (30-points each) 20-minute time-limit per quiz 10 Multiple choice questions per quiz Only ONE correct answer per question Not cumulative – focused on individual lessons Closed book & notes 1 Comprehensive Quiz (50-points) 50-minute time-limit 20 Multiple choice questions Only ONE correct answer per question Cumulative Open book & notes (internet, etc) All quizzes will be administered on Blackboard – bring your CAC! Quiz Topics Quiz 1 Quiz 2 Quiz 3 Quiz 4 JCIDS Systems Engineering Risk Management Lifecycle Planning Cost Estimating Cybersecurity Systems Design Contracting Program Planning Architecture Software Development Selected Topics from Previous Quizzes Measurement CPI / BPR SW Quality / SW Testing Cloud Computing SLIDE INFORMATION*************************************************************************************************************************** *Slide Type: Content (Content or Exercise) *Supporting ELOs ID: None at this time *Policy / Directive / Standard / DTM ID: ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Key Points: There are 4 quizzes (Wednesday and Friday of each week). The first three are NOT cumulative and will only cover topics from the previous days not covered on a preceding quiz. The 4th quiz covers the final lessons and then covers various topics presented throughout the course. I recommend giving them first thing in the morning so the students minds are not consumed with thinking about the quizzes during the other lessons. Key Questions to Ask and Anticipated Answers: Terms \ Definitions \ Acronyms: Introduction

6 Grading on Blackboard Introduction

7 Student-led Discussion Panels
Sign up before Lunch Tomorrow for a specific topic Cybersecurity Software Development / Quality Software / Systems Engineering Cloud Computing Software Support Emerging Technology SLIDE INFORMATION*************************************************************************************************************************** *Slide Type: Content (Content or Exercise) *Supporting ELOs ID: None at this time *Policy / Directive / Standard / DTM ID: ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Key Points: This is an opportunity to share your knowledge in a specific topic area! On the last Thursday of the course you will be presenting information on a specific topic area of your choice (with some constraints). You will be working in teams to present on a specific topic area but these teams are NOT the same teams you will be working with for the rest of the course! The instructor will write specific topic areas on the white board (Systems Engineering, Software Development, etc…) and you will individually sign up under a topic of your choice! Maybe you are already an expert in the area or maybe you want to learn more about a specific area – either is fine. Please sign up for a specific topic by tomorrow morning! Write the topics on a white board or butcher paper so they are able to sign up by COB on the first day of class! Ensure that at least one group does choose Emerging Technology as their topic. Exploration of Emerging Technologies is a course Learning Objective ELO Describe emerging and advanced information technologies. ELO Identify the basic concepts, threats, and best practices associated with cybersecurity in the DoD. ELO Given acquisition scenarios with several software-reliant program issues, analyze how each issue may affect achieving the program's software quality objectives ELO Identify quality issues unique to software ELO Recognize the benefits of consuming cloud services. ELO Recognize public, private, community and hybrid cloud deployment models (NIST). ELO Recognize some DoD Concerns of Using Cloud Services ELO Identify System Engineering Lessons Learned and Best Practices when dealing with software. ELO Compare and contrast the major DoD software development paradigms and recognize new development paradigms and trends. ELO Explain why early sustainment planning is essential for effective sustainment. Key Questions to Ask and Anticipated Answers: Terms \ Definitions \ Acronyms: More information is available in the Student panel directory on the Student Compact Disk (CD) You can also get information in the references folders of each class (also on your CD) Introduction

8 Student Panel Rules Rule Number 1: Format is your call
Within bounds of Good Taste and Propriety! Related to topics covered in class or at least associated with Information Technology (IT) or Software Intensive System (SIS) areas of interest. You can replace an existing topic with one of your choice provided it meets the requirements (min of 4 team members); however, it has to replace another topic. 30-minute maximum time. Rule Number 2: Coordinated Effort Minimum of 4, Maximum of 6 per team. Class time will be made available throughout the two weeks for preparation. Rule Number 3: Opportunity Make this a Learning/Teaching experience for the entire class. SLIDE INFORMATION*************************************************************************************************************************** *Slide Type: Content (Content or Exercise) *Supporting ELOs ID: None at this time *Policy / Directive / Standard / DTM ID: ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Key Points: These are the basic rules for the discussion panels. If the students decide to come up with their own topic it has to replace another topic or I have found there is not enough time to perform the brief backs at 30-minutes per presentation. However, whatever you think is best. I have also found that cutting them off at 30-minutes is best and then making a “parking lot” for the questions work well and just visiting this after all the presentations are complete works well. If I don’t do this it seems some go 45+ minutes and by the last presentation the class is ready to go and participation goes down.. But again wherever you think is best given the climate of the class! Key Questions to Ask and Anticipated Answers: Terms \ Definitions \ Acronyms: Introduction IRM 202 Financial Management October 2009 9

9 Possible Ways to Approach Student Panel Discussion
Standard Presentation format Individual Panel member throws out a topic for discussion and then elicits class responses Panel members present topic pros and cons and then involve class in discussion Role play—e.g., One panel member is PM, another is a cybersecurity professional—then discuss Point/counterpoint format Game Format (like "Jeopardy", or "Are You Smarter than a Fifth Grader?", or "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?") SLIDE INFORMATION*************************************************************************************************************************** *Slide Type: Content (Content or Exercise) *Supporting ELOs ID: None at this time *Policy / Directive / Standard / DTM ID: ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Key Points: More ideas for the panel formats… You can also note that more information is available in the Student panel directory on the Student CD – note that we will also grade the discussion panel on blackboard. Ensure the students understand that they will need to upload either a presentation of an overview of their DP content into BB for grading. Limit “Jeopardy” games to only 1 panel – others can use a different style of game – but more than 1 Jeopardy gets old. Also note that there are ELO’s for the DP lesson and a grading rubric. Key Questions to Ask and Anticipated Answers: Terms \ Definitions \ Acronyms: See an instructor to discuss your presentation approach Introduction

10 Wednesday and Friday of each week
Practicums Wednesday and Friday of each week #1 Creating a new Information Technology (IT) program #2 Managing an IT program #3 Contracting and Managing IT development #4 Post-CDR and Transition to Operations and Sustainment SLIDE INFORMATION*************************************************************************************************************************** *Slide Type: Content (Content or Exercise) *Supporting ELOs ID: None at this time *Policy / Directive / Standard / DTM ID: ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Key Points: Student Instructions: Each team will develop the practicum solution slide package using the templated slides provided, the given scenario/artifacts –additional info is in the Job Aids folder. All slides will be submitted to the instructors electronically (Blackboard/Shared Drive) and hard copy (printed 2 slides per page and double sided) Each team will designate a PM and Deputy PM to present the results of the analysis prepared by the team. You will have 1.5 hours for research and development of the practicum solution. The PM and Deputy PM will have 5 minutes to present their designated slides. Instructor Notes: The 5 teams will each brief the selected slides and the instructor will grade the individual briefers for an individual “PM” grade according to the rubric. Each team will have 2 briefers per practicum. Instructors will also grade the entire package for the team grade according to the rubric – this will be done after the presentation time. All practicums are followed by in-class homework time for the students so the instructors can take that 30 minutes to execute the team and individual grading. The 5 teams will be divided up so that both instructors will take briefings – since there are 5 teams and normally 2 instructors, one instructor will take 3 teams (6 briefers) and the other instructor will take 2 teams (4 briefers). I recommend the instructor taking the 3 teams stay in the classroom and condense their feedback during the actual session. The instructor taking the 2 teams can use the required “team room” and can take that opportunity to elaborate on the major takeaways and other learning points. There is no penalty IAW the rubric for students exceeding the 5 minutes per brief – however, it is important for the instructors to enforce this time limit especially if you do not have a separate team room and/or a 2d instructor. There is sufficient time in the schedule to conduct all briefings in one classroom. Additionally, there is the option of not having some students brief – if you elect this option, you can designate the students that did not brief P1-P3 to brief during P4 or grade the student during the Discussion Panel brief (the DP option should be the option of last resort) Key Questions to Ask and Anticipated Answers: Terms \ Definitions \ Acronyms: A threaded, team exercise designed to offer some practical application to the material presented. Introduction

11 Practicums A threaded, team exercise designed to offer some practical application to the material presented. You will be required to read a scenario focused on one of the phases of the Acquisition Lifecycle You will be given a set of requirements to research as a team and a set of templated slides to guide you in the preparation of your presentation. (note: please review the notes pages on the slides for references and additional instructions) References will be provided in the Practicum Job Aids folder –you should also use any slides and references from the course lesson material. SLIDE INFORMATION*************************************************************************************************************************** *Slide Type: Content (Content or Exercise) *Supporting ELOs ID: None at this time *Policy / Directive / Standard / DTM ID: ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Key Points: Student Instructions: Each team will develop the practicum solution slide package using the templated slides provided, the given scenario/artifacts –additional info is in the Job Aids folder. All slides will be submitted to the instructors electronically (Blackboard/Shared Drive) and hard copy (printed 2 slides per page and double sided) Each team will designate a PM and Deputy PM to present the results of the analysis prepared by the team. You will have 1.5 hours for research and development of the practicum solution. The PM and Deputy PM will have 5 minutes to present their designated slides. Instructor Notes: The 5 teams will each brief the selected slides and the instructor will grade the individual briefers for an individual “PM” grade according to the rubric. Each team will have 2 briefers per practicum. Instructors will also grade the entire package for the team grade according to the rubric – this will be done after the presentation time. All practicums are followed by in-class homework time for the students so the instructors can take that 30 minutes to execute the team and individual grading. The 5 teams will be divided up so that both instructors will take briefings – since there are 5 teams and normally 2 instructors, one instructor will take 3 teams (6 briefers) and the other instructor will take 2 teams (4 briefers). I recommend the instructor taking the 3 teams stay in the classroom and condense their feedback during the actual session. The instructor taking the 2 teams can use the required “team room” and can take that opportunity to elaborate on the major takeaways and other learning points. There is no penalty IAW the rubric for students exceeding the 5 minutes per brief – however, it is important for the instructors to enforce this time limit especially if you do not have a separate team room and/or a 2d instructor. There is sufficient time in the schedule to conduct all briefings in one classroom. Additionally, there is the option of not having some students brief – if you elect this option, you can designate the students that did not brief P1-P3 to brief during P4 or grade the student during the Discussion Panel brief (the DP option should be the option of last resort) Key Questions to Ask and Anticipated Answers: Terms \ Definitions \ Acronyms: Introduction

12 Current Events Week 1 Week 2 Monday: N/A Monday: Team 3
After lunch on designated days, specified teams will lead a 10 minute discussion on Current Events in Acquisition. The intent is to identify and discuss recent developments in DoD programs, laws, policy, regulations, etc. relevant to Acquisition Professionals Week 1 Week 2 Monday: N/A Monday: Team 3 Tuesday: Instructors Tuesday: Team 4 Wednesday: Team 1 Wednesday: Team 5 Thursday: Team 2 Thursday: Make-up Friday: N/A SLIDE INFORMATION*************************************************************************************************************************** *Slide Type: Content (Content or Exercise) *Supporting ELOs ID: None at this time *Policy / Directive / Standard / DTM ID: ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** The intent of this is to stimulate discussion on current events. Instructors may adjust the schedule as they see fit. LIMIT THE DISCUSSION TO 10 MINUTES OR LESS – WE ARE TAKING THIS TIME “OUT OF HIDE” SO BE CAREFUL NOT TO TAKE TOO MUCH TIME AWAY FROM THE SCHEDULED LESSON. Introduction

13 Grading Day Activity Points Comments Pre-Course Submission of Pre-Course Work 10 See Grading Rubric in pre-course assignment Day 3, 5, 8 Quizzes (Closed Book) 90 30 points per quiz (10 questions – 3 pts each) Day 9, Thu. Discussion Panel 40 Discussion Panel Team presentation Day 10, Fri. Quiz 4 (Comprehensive – Open Book) 50 20 Questions – 2.5 points each Practicum 4 Team Grade 30 Practicum 4 Team presentation Day 3,5,8 Practicums 1-3 Team Grade 60 20 points possible for each Practicum Practicum Briefing (1 Practicum) 20 Every Student must brief during a practicum Total Points 300 240 Points required to Graduate SLIDE INFORMATION*************************************************************************************************************************** *Slide Type: Content (Content or Exercise) *Supporting ELOs ID: None at this time *Policy / Directive / Standard / DTM ID: ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Key Points: Everyone must present one of the practicums. There are two opportunities per team to brief in each of the first three practicums so everyone can meeting this requirement by the end of the third practicum. If the entire team has presented then the fourth practicum can be present by whomever would like the “opportunity to excel”  There are 4 quizzes (Wednesday and Friday of each week). The first three are NOT cumulative and will only cover topics from the previous days not covered on a preceding quiz. The 4th quiz covers the final lessons and then covers various topics presented throughout the course. I recommend giving them first thing in the morning so the students minds are not consumed with thinking about the quizzes during the other lessons. Key Questions to Ask and Anticipated Answers: Terms \ Definitions \ Acronyms: A student must achieve a final course grade of at least 80% to pass. (240 out of 300 total points) Quizzes will be executed on Blackboard – bring your CAC! Introduction

14 Student CD and Blackboard
All presentations, references and exercises are located on the Student CD. …. And on Blackboard SLIDE INFORMATION*************************************************************************************************************************** *Slide Type: Content (Content or Exercise) *Supporting ELOs ID: None at this time *Policy / Directive / Standard / DTM ID: ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Key Points: I would bring up the CD on the computer and walk them through some of the directories… It seems to make it easier but maybe just showing this slide will do. It’s up to you! Key Questions to Ask and Anticipated Answers: Terms \ Definitions \ Acronyms: Introduction

15 Important Policies Lesson Plan Status Welcome Course Overview
Introductions Questions SLIDE INFORMATION*************************************************************************************************************************** *Slide Type: Content (Content or Exercise) *Supporting ELOs ID: None at his time *Policy / Directive / Standard / DTM ID: ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Key Points: Highlight all the administrative classroom policies Key Questions to Ask and Anticipated Answers: Terms \ Definitions \ Acronyms: Introduction

16 Important Policies Non-Attribution Attendance Dress Code
Classroom Conduct Inclement Weather SLIDE INFORMATION*************************************************************************************************************************** *Slide Type: Content (Content or Exercise) *Supporting ELOs ID: None at this time *Policy / Directive / Standard / DTM ID: ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Key Points: Instructors should hit the topics and cover and Region specific policies as well Key Questions to Ask and Anticipated Answers: Terms \ Definitions \ Acronyms: Introduction

17 Class Rules of Engagement (ROE)
Expectations Come prepared Be on time Contribute to the knowledge-base Listen and Learn from others Honor the dress code Silence communication devices Regular breaks Non-attribution SLIDE INFORMATION*************************************************************************************************************************** *Slide Type: Content (Content or Exercise) *Supporting ELOs ID: None at this time *Policy / Directive / Standard / DTM ID: ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Key Points: This is the opportunity for instructors to set expectation for student conduct during the class – take advantage of it. Key Questions to Ask and Anticipated Answers: Terms \ Definitions \ Acronyms: Introduction

18 And Once Again The Essentials…
SLIDE INFORMATION*************************************************************************************************************************** *Slide Type: Content (Content or Exercise) *Supporting ELOs ID: None at this time *Policy / Directive / Standard / DTM ID: ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Key Points: Discuss restroom locations, coffee mess rules, copier locations, and remind them to fill out locator cards Emphasize that no cell phones are allowed to be turned on in class (even on vibrate). Do not take calls during class. On break, is okay. Explain the laptop, shared drive, and printer access procedures for your location Key Questions to Ask and Anticipated Answers: Terms \ Definitions \ Acronyms: Please Review And Update Information on your Student Locator Card Introduction

19 Introductions Lesson Plan Status Welcome Course Overview
Important Policies Introductions Questions SLIDE INFORMATION*************************************************************************************************************************** *Slide Type: Content (Content or Exercise) *Supporting ELOs ID: None at this time *Policy / Directive / Standard / DTM ID: ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Key Points: I am leaving this up to the you! You can either the students introduce the person next to them (which increases inter-team discussion) or simply have them introduce themselves. I like the ideas of having them introduce their neighbor but there are times that we don’t have the time to do this so I just have everyone introduce themselves! So please use whatever mechanism you feel is best for the class! Key Questions to Ask and Anticipated Answers: Terms \ Definitions \ Acronyms: Introduction

20 Introductions Name Current Job/Office
One big challenge or event in your Program/Project/Ofc. One interesting thing about you SLIDE INFORMATION*************************************************************************************************************************** *Slide Type: Content (Content or Exercise) *Supporting ELOs ID: None at this time *Policy / Directive / Standard / DTM ID: ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Key Points: I am leaving this up to the you! You can either the students introduce the person next to them (which increases inter-team discussion) or simply have them introduce themselves. I like the ideas of having them introduce their neighbor but there are times that we don’t have the time to do this so I just have everyone introduce themselves! So please use whatever mechanism you feel is best for the class! Key Questions to Ask and Anticipated Answers: Terms \ Definitions \ Acronyms: Introduction

21 Questions Lesson Plan Status Welcome Course Overview
Important Policies Introductions Questions SLIDE INFORMATION*************************************************************************************************************************** *Slide Type: Content (Content or Exercise) *Supporting ELOs ID: *Policy / Directive / Standard / DTM ID: ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Key Points: Key Questions to Ask and Anticipated Answers: Terms \ Definitions \ Acronyms: Introduction

22 Questions & Answers SLIDE INFORMATION*************************************************************************************************************************** *Slide Type: Content (Content or Exercise) *Supporting ELOs ID: None at this time *Policy / Directive / Standard / DTM ID: ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Key Points: Key Questions to Ask and Anticipated Answers: Terms \ Definitions \ Acronyms: Introduction

23 Course Schedule For Instructor Use
Week 1 DAY Time Lesson Instructor Mon (L: 12-1) 8-10 1 - Introduction 10-12 2-JCIDS 12-1 Lunch 1-4:30 3 - Cost Estimating 4:30-5 Homework Time Tue (L: 11-12) (CE) 8-11 4- Program Planning 12-3:30 5- Measurement 3:30-4:30 Panel Planning Lsn Review/Homework Time Wed (Q: 8-8:30) (L: 12-1) (CE) 8:30-12 6 – Sys & SW Engineering 1:10-4:30 7 - Practicum 1 4:30 - 5 Thu (L: 12-1)(CE) 8-12 8 - Cybersecurity 9 - Architecture Fri 8:30-11 10 - Risk Management 11-12 11 - Practicum 2 Week 2 DAY Time Lesson Instructor Mon (L: 11:00 – 12:00) (CE) 8-11:00 12 – Design Considerations 12:10-3 13 SW Development 3-4:30 14 – CPI & BPR 4:30-5 Homework Time Tue (L: 11-12) (CE) 8-11 21 - Cloud Computing 15a - SW Quality 15b SW Test Lsn Review/Homework Time Wed (Q: 8-8:30) (L: 12-1) (CE) 8:30-11 16 - Contracting 11-12 Panel Planning 1:10-4:30 17 - Practicum 3 4:30 - 5 Thu (L: 12– 1) 19 - Lifecycle planning 11:00-2:30 Discussion Panels 2:30-4:45 20-Practicum 4 Intro/research 4:45-5 Quiz Review Fri (Q: 8-9) 9-11:00 20 - Practicum 4 Overall Wrap-up and Graduation SLIDE INFORMATION*************************************************************************************************************************** *Slide Type: Content (Content or Exercise) *Supporting ELOs ID: None at this time *Policy / Directive / Standard / DTM ID: ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Key Points: Key Questions to Ask and Anticipated Answers: Terms \ Definitions \ Acronyms: Q=Quiz; L=Lunch CE=Current Events Introduction

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