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State and Territorial Court Officers Conference

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Presentation on theme: "State and Territorial Court Officers Conference"— Presentation transcript:

1 State and Territorial Court Officers Conference
National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows Belleville, Illinois July 13-15, 2017

2 How to Write a Resolution
Presented by The National Resolution Committee

3 Source: Webster’s Online Dictionary
Resolution DEFINITION - a formal expression of opinion, will, or intent by an official body or assembled group; a declaration submitted to an assembly for adoption Source: Webster’s Online Dictionary

4 The Resolution Should Be
Typed Long enough to clearly state opinion or intentions

5 Two Parts Preamble Resolving Clauses

6 Preamble Each clause is written as a separate paragraph
Statement begins with “WHEREAS,” Next word is capitalized

7 Preamble Each clause ends with a semicolon
Last paragraph ends with a semicolon followed by “now, therefore, be it”

8 Sample Preamble     WHEREAS,   The Catholic Daughters of the Americas organization is the largest establishment of Catholic women devoted to Mary; and WHEREAS,   There is a need for all of us to be spiritually enriched by participating in a day filled with prayer; now, therefore, be it

9 Resolving Clauses Separate paragraphs for each clause
Clauses begin with “RESOLVED, That …”

10 Sample Resolving Clauses
RESOLVED,  That in the month of May the Catholic Daughters of the Americas pray the rosary followed by a crowning of our heavenly mother and patroness; and be it further RESOLVED,      That also in May the Catholic Daughters of the Americas plan an annual prayer-filled day in which we celebrate and proclaim our work as members of this organization.

11 Note: When There Are Several Resolving Clauses
State action to be taken; (action followed by a semicolon) State further action to be taken; and (action followed by a semicolon then the word “and”) State second to last action to be taken; and be it further (action followed by a semicolon then the words “and be it further ”) State the last action to be taken. (ended with a period)

12 Submission Statement Must be included at the end of resolution
Submitted by [Unit Name] [Name of Chair], Chairman [Date]

13 Sample Submission Statement
Submitted by:  National Resolution Committee Peggy Guckin, Chairman July 14, 2017

14 Sample Resolution WHEREAS,      The Catholic Daughters of the Americas organization is one of the largest establishments of Catholic women devoted to Mary; and WHEREAS,       There is a need for all of us to be spiritually enriched by participating at a day filled with prayer; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED,  That in the month of May the Catholic Daughters of the Americas pray the rosary followed by a crowning of our heavenly mother and patroness; and be it further RESOLVED,      That also in May the Catholic Daughters of the Americas plan an annual prayer-filled day in which we celebrate and proclaim our work as members of this organization. Submitted by:  National Resolution Committee Peggy Guckin, Chair Rose Holschlag Essie Walker July 14, 2017

15 References Texas Library Association United Nations Association American Library Association – Sample of Resolution Format

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