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Presentation on theme: "C OMMUNICATION SKILLS 1 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 1."— Presentation transcript:


2 C ONTENT C ONTENT  Objectives.  Definition.  Types of communication.  Blunders in Communication-Nokia & Enron.  Importance of Communication-its Do’s and Don’t.  Interpersonal skills-its uses and importance.  Assertive Communication-its importance & goals.  Learnings.  Test Yourself. 2 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 1

3 L EARNING OBJECTIVES  Recognize the importance of communication in gaining a better understanding of yourself and others.  Able to understand the communication process.  Types of communication and their impact.  Knowing the do’s and don'ts of the communication.  Benefits gained through interpersonal communication. 3 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 1

4 4 W HAT IS COMMUNICATION ?  Communication is an art of transmitting information, ideas and attitudes from one person to another. or  Communication is the process of meaningful interaction among human beings. SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 1

5 T YPES OF C OMMUNICATION  Personal or Intra-personal Communication- individual communicate in his/her mind.  Interpersonal Communication- involves interaction between two persons, or group. 5 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 1

6  Organizational Communication  Mass Communication- is for disseminating news about the organization to the stakeholders and to public. 6 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 1

7  Social Communication- occurs when people interact with one another in groups outside the organization.  Transformational Communication- goes beyond transactional or interpersonal communication. 7 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 1

8  Corporate Communication- is the way in which company builds and keep contacts.  Group Communication- occurs when meetings are held for face-to-face discussions. 8 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 1

9 B LUNDERS IN COMMUNICATION  NOKIA: For more than a decade, Nokia was the world’s largest mobile-phone manufacturer. But when the Smartphone became the next big thing within the mobility market, the company lost its competitive edge. According to an in-depth account of why Nokia has “struggle to turn its good ideas into products,” much of the problem stems from habits of communication that favour unfocused discussions about strategy over clear plans to bring new phone models to market. 9 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 1

10  ENRON:  ENRON: A scholarly investigation into the problems that led to Enron’s collapse pinpointed several “communication- based leader responsibilities” that senior managers failed to meet responsibilities such as “communicating appropriate values” and “maintaining openness to signs of problems.” 10 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 1

11 11 Why is it important to communicate well?  Communication is key to your success—in relationships, in the workplace, as a citizen of your country, and across your lifetime.  Your ability to communicate comes from experience, and experience can be an effective teacher.  Co-ordination of work is impossible and the organization will collapse for lack of communication.  Every act of communication influences the organization in some way or other. SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 1

12 E SSENTIALS OF C OMMUNICATION -DO’S  Always think ahead about what you are going to say  Use simple words and phrases that are understood by everybody  Increase your knowledge on all subjects you are required to speak  Speak clearly and audibly  Check twice with the listener whether you have been understood accurately or not 12 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 1

13  In case of an interruption, always do a little recap of what has been already said  Always pay undivided attention to the speaker while listening  While listening, always make notes of important points.  Always ask for clarification if you have failed to grasp other's point of view.  Repeat what the speaker has said to check whether you have understood accurately. 13 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 1

14 E SSENTIALS OF COMMUNICATION DON ' TS  Do not instantly react and mutter something in anger.  Do not use technical terms & terminologies not understood by majority of people.  Do not speak too fast or too slow.  Do not speak in inaudible surroundings, as you won’t be heard. 14 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 1

15  Do not assume that everybody understands you.  While listening do not glance here and there as it might distract the speaker  Do not interrupt the speaker.  Do not jump to the conclusion that you have understood every thing 15 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 1

16 I NTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION SKILLS I NTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION SKILLS Interpersonal Communication is a social process involving understanding and transfer of information from one person to others. 16 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 1

17 W HAT IS INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION SKILLS This is direct, face-to-face communication which occurs between two persons. It is essentially a dialogue or a conversation between two or more people.  Interpersonal communication may be:  Focused Interactions  Unfocused Interactions 17 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 1

18 I NTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION SKILLS Interpersonal Skills are critical to good communication. Let’s have a look at some great tips for better interpersonal communication skills:  First Listen  Questions  Be Interested  Relax 18 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 1  Smile  Be Enthusiastic  Be Assertive

19 U SES OF INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION SKILLS  Give and collect information.  Influence the attitudes and behaviors of others.  Form contacts and maintain relationships.  Make sense of the world and our experiences in it.  Express personal needs and understand the needs of others.  Give and receive emotional support.  Make decisions and solve problems. 19 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 1

20 A SSERTIVE COMMUNICATION Definition An honest, direct and appropriate expressions of one’s feelings, thoughts and beliefs. 20 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 1

21 W HY ASSERTIVENESS IS IMPORTANT ?  Assertive Communication involves respect for the boundaries of oneself and others.  Assertiveness is the ability to express our needs and rights, positive and negative feelings without violating others rights and limits of others.  Assertiveness increases our ability to reach these goals while maintaining our rights and dignity. 21 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 1

22 G OALS OF ASSERTIVE BEHAVIOR  To get and give respect.  To ask for fair play.  To leave room for compromise when the needs and rights of two people conflict.  To communicate and develop mutuality in relationships. 22 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 1

23 L EARNINGS  The module has briefly acquainted you with the dynamic nature of communication.  The definition of communication tells you that in communication you deal with ideas.  As a part of an organization, you will have to conduct yourself responsibly, not only in face-to-face situations with bosses and subordinates but also with people from different backgrounds and organizations.  Successful communication transmits values, attitudes, and feelings through properly chosen words. 23 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 1

24 T EST YOURSELF :  When I think of communicating with someone, I generally focus on the......? a. Correctness of speech b. Content c. ‘how’ and ‘what’ of the presentation 24 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 1

25 T EST YOURSELF :  Before I communicate, I think about what the person needs to know, and how best to convey it......? a. Not at All b. Rarely c. Sometimes d. Often e. Very Often 25 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 1

26 T EST YOURSELF :  I try to help people understand the underlying concepts behind the point I am discussing. This reduces misconceptions and increases understanding……? a. Not at All b. Rarely c. Sometimes d. Often e. Very Often 26 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 1



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