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Welcome to Reception.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Reception."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Reception

2 Your class teachers Mrs Ouko Miss Gilbey Ms Baptiste Mrs Bellfield

3 Daily procedures Soft start Electronic register taken at 8.55am
Lesson starts at 9am Collection from classrooms Late – Rainbow room – ground floor

4 What are we learning this year?
Please see the Curriculum Map for the units of work we will be studying this term. We will send further information about what your child will be learning at the start of each term. This will all be on the website. Summer: Minibeasts Water Autumn: Myself Colour Weather Space Spring: People who help us Growth and new life

5 Homework Given out on Thursday. Due back on Tuesday. What When
Either Literacy or Maths Phonics/Reading Mathletics Once a week As and when

6 Reading Reading books will be changed on Mondays.
Children are encouraged to borrow a school library book. Our library day is Wednesday. If a library book is lost there will be a £5 charge or you may donate a book from home.

7 Reading Theme Week Date: Week beginning 2nd October
There will be a presentation on a new program we have bought called Reading Eggs on the 2nd October There will be an opportunity for parent/carers to come in for a Reading Café More details on the theme week will be given later this month

8 + Phonics at a glance Spelling and reading is taught through phonics.
Phonics is … Skills of segmentation and blending + Knowledge of the alphabetic code We follow ‘letters and sounds’ and supplement with ‘jolly phonics’

9 Phonics consists of: Identifying sounds in spoken words Recognising the common spellings of each phoneme Blending phonemes into words for reading Segmenting words into phonemes for spelling

10 We will begin teaching phase 2 ‘letters and sounds’ which will include;
Using common consonants and vowels Blending for reading and segmenting for spelling simple CVC words Understanding that words are constructed from phonemes and that phonemes are represented by graphemes

11 A word always has the same number of phonemes and graphemes!
A phoneme you hear A grapheme you see A word always has the same number of phonemes and graphemes!

12 Some definitions c a t ? A phoneme
This is the smallest unit of sound in a word How many phonemes can you hear in c a t ?

13 t ai igh A grapheme These are the letters that represent the phoneme
The grapheme could be 1 letter, 2 letters or more! We refer to these as sound buttons. t ai igh

14 speed crayon sight toast broom foil crawl jumper
Put the sound buttons under these words speed crayon sight toast broom foil crawl jumper

15 Enunciation Teaching phonics requires a technical skill in enunciation
Phonemes (sounds) should be articulated clearly and precisely

16 Letter Sets (phase 2) Set 1 – s, a, t, p Set 2 – i, n, m, d Set 3 – g, o, c, k Set 4 – ck, e, u, r Set 5 – h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss

17 Letter sets Phase 3 Set 6 – j, v, w, x Set 7 – y, z, zz, qu Set 8 - ch, sh, th, ng Set 9- ai, ee, igh, oa, Set 10- oo, ar, or Set 11- ur, ow, oi Set 12- ear, air, ure, er,

18 Phase 4 This is a consolidation unit. There are no new graphemes to learn. Reading and spelling of tricky words continues Segmenting adjacent consonants in words and applying this in spelling Blending adjacent consonants in words and applying this skill when reading unfamiliar texts.

19 In addition to this, each week the children learn ‘tricky’ spelling words (those that are not spelt phonetically) and key sight vocabulary. I, the, no, go, to, into

20 Blending (for reading)
– Recognising the letter sounds in a written word. E.g. c-u-p sh-ee-p – Merging them into the correct order to pronounce the word cup and sheep

21 Segmenting (for spelling)
– Identifying individual sounds in a spoken word. E.g. h-i-m s-t-or-k and writing down letters for each sound (phoneme) to form the word him and stork

22 The children always work within the phase that is appropriate to their level of learning.
They are assessed regularly and grouped accordingly. Therefore the suggested model of year group and corresponding phase, does not always go hand in hand with the year group that your child is actually in.

23 Parent Involvement Respond to your child’s comments and questions
Tolerate interruption Sense when your child is tired Encourage / understand the personal / private conversation your child makes You are in the best position to make phonics a personally rich and rewarding experience.

24 Accessing their USO
Children log in using their username and password The children can access safe research websites including mathletics. This will also be used for homework

25 E - Safety
Please talk to your child regarding the use of uploading images and videos to websites such as You tube/musically. Use parental controls, please see the website above for further information. If you have any concerns regarding E – Safety please contact a member of staff.

26 If you need us… We are all here to help, please catch us after school once all children are dismissed. If information is confidential a meeting will have to be arranged. Or the school office to arrange a meeting or to give information. Please inform the office with your contact details.

27 People to contact… In the first instance – Class teacher Next steps –
- Phase Leader (Mrs Ouko ) - Deputy Head (Ms Tamber)

28 Thank you! Any questions?

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