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Presentation on theme: "BREAST CANCER AWARENESS"— Presentation transcript:

THE IMPORTANCE OF EARLY DETECTION Thank you Edith and Nina for working on these slides! It’s really helpful that pictures were included, especially for the mammogram and CBE slide because it helps provide a better idea/visualization of what the procedures are like :) I know you will be including more information to help answer the quiz, so once all the information is on here, I will see if there are more details we can include to help the members understand the information. We should have answers to commonly asked questions on the slides as well (we can ask members what are some questions they have during a meeting, after which, we can research a little to find the best answer) Slides by: Edith Jimenez , Nina Escueta and the Moores’ Cancer Center’s API Cancer Outreach Team ‘16-17

2 WHAT IS A TUMOR? A tumor is a mass of abnormal tissue -There are two types of tumors: those that are non-cancerous, or 'benign', and those that are cancerous, which are 'malignant'. -Normally, cells grow and divide to form new cells as the body needs them. When cells grow old, they die, and new cells take their place. *Sometimes this orderly process goes wrong. New cells form when the body does not need them, and old cells do not die when they should. These extra cells can form a tumor. However not all tumors are cancerous.

3 What is Breast Cancer? The stage of breast cancer dictates the size of the tumor and whether or not it is contained in a certain area It is uncontrolled cell growth within the breast tissue Breast Cancer can spread to other tissues such as the liver or bones; this can be seen in the later stages of breast cancer

4 Stage 1 Either a tumor or a small group of cancer cells is found.

5 Stage 2 Involves the spread of breast cancer to nearby lymph nodes*
*round-like bumps that are normally not felt throughout the body but can swell when the body is fighting an infection

6 Stage 3 The malignant tumor has spread to many lymph nodes near the breastbone

7 Stage 4 Breast cancer has spread beyond the breast into other organs of the body such as the lungs, bones, liver, brain and distant lymph nodes.

8 Some Unavoidable Risk Factors
Being a woman Having your first period before the age of 12 Going through menopause after the age of 65 and taking postmenopausal hormone therapy Having a first child after the age of 30 2)Increasing age 3)Family history Inherited genes: ex. BRCA1 and BRCA2

9 What Can YOU Do? 1) Women between 20 and 39
Be aware of Avoidable Risk Factors like a High Fat Diet Detect Breast Cancer Early with Mammograms and CBEs 1) Women between 20 and 39 Should receive a Clinical Breast Exam (CBE) once every 3 years 2) Women from age 40 and onwards Should receive annual Mammograms and CBE’s once a year 3) Share breast cancer information with friends and family members

10 Early Detection Early detection increases the survival rate:
*The 5-year survival rate with early detection for stage I is close to 100%, while the survival rate for stage IV is 22% with late detection. Decreases the probability of needing invasive treatment procedures such as chemotherapy. SAVES LIVES, which is why our job matters :)

11 Other Treatment Options:
-Lumpectomy: removal of the tumor and surrounding tissue through surgery -Mastectomy: removal of the entire breast -double mastectomy: removal of both breasts

12 After surgery, adjuvant therapy can be used to keep the cancer under control.
Adjuvant therapy includes: Radiation therapy, hormonal therapy, targeted therapy, and chemotherapy

13 Clinical Breast Exam (CBE)
A physical exam is done by a healthcare provider and he/she physically search for small changes in and around breast area Checks for dimpling and other changes in breast shape Checks for changes in skin texture or color (thickening of the skin and/or abnormal redness) Checks for unusual bloody or cloudy nipple discharge Armpits are also checked for lumps

14 Mammograms Used to provide an X-ray photograph of the inside of the breast Most important tool used by doctors to to detect breast cancer early Can detect 85% of all breast cancers

15 Facts About Breast Cancer
It is unknown how to prevent breast cancer, so the best course of action is to continue to get screened. Not all lumps felt on the breast are a sign of cancer, which is why screenings should be done to confirm the results of lumps found.

16 Did you know? Self-breast examinations are inaccurate measures of detecting the presence of breast cancer. Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women in both developed and underdeveloped countries. A man’s lifetime risk of getting breast cancer is 1 in 1000.

17 Prevalence of Breast Cancer
Each year: -1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer Regardless of socioeconomic status, breast cancer is the most common cancer in women!!!

18 Other Facts About Breast Cancer
Amongst all women, Asian-Americans are underrepresented in breast cancer-control clinical investigations and cancer therapeutic trials. Breast cancer has been the number one killer of Asian American women since 1980.

19 Patient stats A majority of patients with breast cancer are found to have no prior family history of the disease. Breast cancer survivors have an increased risk of getting a new breast cancer compared to women who have never had breast cancer. There's no better way to deal with the possibility of recurrence than with continual screenings.

20 Mammograms can detect ~85% of all breast cancers
Clinical Breast Exams can help find the remaining percentage ~15% that remains that mammograms miss

21 How to pay for mammogram screenings???
FREE breast cancer screening and treatment are available for low income women in California: call (800) Mammograms are covered by health insurance!!! However, one should contact their health insurance provider because this does not necessarily apply to grandfathered plans. Grandfathered plans are health plans that were in place before the Affordable Care Act was passed in 2012. The Affordable Care Act mandates coverage of screenings without a co-pay or deductible in health insurance plans that started after August 1, 2012.

22 Works Cited


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