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Calliope-Louisa Sotiropoulou

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1 Calliope-Louisa Sotiropoulou
FTK IAPP Workshop: 11/03/2015 Dissemination Plan Calliope-Louisa Sotiropoulou

2 Dissemination Plan PO Comment: “The dissemination plan through journals and conferences should be made more ambitious…” So what have we done so far?... 20 presentations in conferences and workshops (5 posters, 15 talks) Special session in MOCAST 2014 (Thessaloniki) Thematic session in HiPEAC Computing Systems Week (Athens) 1 Journal Paper IEEE TNS (2D Pixel Clustering) Is it good enough?...

3 Characteristics of Our Publications
All in HEP related conferences: HEP conferences accept abstracts and do not require proceedings (peer review process) for acceptance, proceedings are usually submitted after the conference HEP style author lists Journal Paper in IEEE TNS that is IEEE but still a HEP related publication

4 Change of Direction Target non HEP conferences (engineering and electronics related) Publish engineering results, technical characteristics  High Performance Electronic Hardware Demonstrate interdisciplinary approach  Wp5 Image Processing Research Publish in IEEE, IET, ACM journals

5 Future Publications Lined up publications and events
DEBS (ACM Conference, requires proceeding submission) MOCAST 2015 FTK IAPP Special Session Future Targets – Conferences Standard ATLAS: TIPP, TNS, TWEPP, WIT, RT, ICATPP Electronics: ISCAS (May), FPL (September), ICECS (December), DATE (April), HIPEAC (January), IEEE Instr. Meas. (May) Image Processing: ICIP - Image Processing (September), CVPR - Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (June)

6 Future Publications IEEE: TCAS, TBioCAS, TVLSI, TIP ACM: TACO
IET: Computer Vision Elsevier: Computer Vision and Image Understanding Target also Demonstration Sessions and Tutorials

7 Thank you…

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