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Various Life Roles 1.03.

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1 Various Life Roles 1.03

2 What is a life role? Life Roles - the various parts of one’s life, such as citizen, parent, spouse, worker, etc.

3 5 Categories of Life Roles
Personal Leisure Community Family Work

4 Personal Personal life roles thrive on the social relationships you build and foster with your peers. Friend Boyfriend/Girlfriend

5 Leisure Time free from every-day job responsibilities during which a person can pursue personal interests and hobbies.

6 Leisure Continued What is the importance of leisure time?
Physical & Health Benefits Absence of any physical activities may trigger some serious health issues, especially obesity and heart-related problems. It can also help getting rid of fatigue and anxiety Reduce Stress & Depression Too much of work pressure and the pressure can leave a person completely stressed and mentally tired. Leisure time will not only rejuvenate you, but also help you think and work in a better way. Improves the Quality of Life Doing some activities that you love boosts your self-esteem, helps you feel more satisfied with life, and ensures better functioning of the body as well as mind. Aids Positivity Pampering yourself in some physical activity that refreshes you also brings positivity in your life. You tend to think and work better if you are positive enough. What may be the result of overscheduling leisure time? A person with too much leisure time can find themselves ignoring duties of work and school.

7 Community Being a good neighbor Serving in Civic Organizations.
Respecting neighbors. Serving in the neighborhood watch. Serving in Civic Organizations. Civic Organization is a type of organization whose official goal is to improve neighborhoods, the community, and help the less fortunate. Kiwanis Club Rotary Club Being an active volunteer.

8 Learner Primary & Secondary School After Primary & Secondary School
Formal Education Teacher: Provides instruction in classroom. Student: Questions and receives information. Informal Education Any learning that is not inside of the classroom. Very spontaneous Doesn’t include exams Usually not organized Example: You mother is showing you how to cook homemade biscuits. Examples: Your friend teaching you how to dribble a basketball. After Primary & Secondary School Being a Life Long Learner and continuously learning at work and in life.

9 Family Parenting/caretaker
process of promoting and supporting the physical, emotional, social, financial, and intellectual development of a child from infancy to adulthood Home/vehicle maintenance  Keeping up with regular home & maintenance tasks will keep you from future headaches and wasted money. Examples??????? Financial planning An ongoing process to help you make sensible decisions about money that can help you achieve your goals in life. Budgeting monthly Planning and preparing meals Cheaper and healthier than eating out constantly. Benefits Portion control: You can create the appropriate amounts for you and your loved ones, eliminating unnecessary food intake. Quality Time: preparing home-cooked meals allows you to spend valued time with family. Everyone can take part in meal preparation so it's a shared event.  Providing and preparing clothing Purchase clothes out of season. Example: Winter clothes go on sale in February. Purchase the coat at 60% off and now you have a new coat for next winter. Taking care of healthcare No one plans to get sick or hurt, but most people need medical care at some point. Health insurance covers these costs and offers many other important benefits.

10 Family Transportation
Public Transportation: buses, trains, subways, that charge set fares, run on fixed routes, and are available to the public. Owning a Car: A car that you sign a contract for and agree to purchase. Leasing a Car: Allows you to “rent” a car long term.

11 Work 1) Work hours/location
Full Time Employee: A person who works at least 34 hours, but usually 40 hours a week. Part Time Employee: An employee who works between 1-33 hours a week. Seasonal: An employee that works temporarily for a certain season, can include the summer or Christmas shopping seasons, 2) Travel Certain jobs can require employees to travel for work. The employer provides reimbursement/covers cost. Reasons to travel: Conferences & Training Examples: Photographers, Military, Pilots, Journalist 3) Taking work home Set goals and schedules at work to avoid taking work home on a daily basis. It is important to balance between work and life responsibilities, and being off duty and able to relax.  4) Working at home Telecommuting: a work arrangement in which employees do not commute to a central place of work. A person who telecommutes is known as a telecommuter. 5) Results of over-scheduling work time Stress Imbalance Less time for family

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