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Review Air Pollution Test

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1 Review Air Pollution Test

2 Pollutant released directly into the air by human activities- does not mix with other chemicals
Primary pollutant

3 Give an example of a secondary pollutant
Ground level ozone, acid rain

4 What does VOC stand for? Volatile organic compound

5 What is a temperature inversion?
Atmospheric condition that traps pollutants near earth

6 Type of air pollution that is a mixture of fog and pollution- very common in urban areas , especially in China smog

7 Pollution control device that traps industrial gases before they are released into the atmosphere

8 This now banned product can often be found in the insulation of older homes and can cause severe lung damage asbestos

9 This air pollutant can seep into houses through their foundation and is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the U.S. radon

10 Explain how acid rain is formed
Water molecules combine with SOx and NOx creating sulfuric and nitric acids

11 Acid rain can cause this element that is toxic to plants leach out of the soil and be taken up into plant roots Aluminum

12 What effect does acid rain have on buildings?
Breaks down CaCO3 causing buildings to deteriorate

13 Which are more harmful, fine or coarse particulates?

14 What pollutant forms when automobile emissions react with oxygen gas and ultraviolet rays

15 The greatest source of SO2 in the atmosphere comes from burning _____________ to produce electricity. coal

16 Is air quality better in a building with lots of open windows or in a tightly sealed air conditioned building? Open

17 Where does most of the acid rain that falls in NE Canada form?
Eastern US

18 What is a common indoor air pollutant, it’s source, and health effects?

19 What respiratory problems can result from air pollution?

20 What are ways to reduce the amount of air pollution?

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