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All Cancers Excluding Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer (C00-C97 Excl

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1 All Cancers Excluding Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer (C00-C97 Excl
All Cancers Excluding Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer (C00-C97 Excl. C44): European Age-Standardised (AS) Mortality Rates by Deprivation Quintile, England 1 - least 5 - most deprived 2 3 4 deprived Overall AS Rate 164.1 181.4 197.7 224.7 262.0 201.5 AS Rate - 95% LCL 162.8 180.1 196.2 223.1 260.1 200.8 Male AS Rate - 95% UCL 165.4 182.8 199.2 226.4 264.0 202.2 AS Rate Ratio 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.6 Yearly Excess Cases 1,262 2,245 3,497 4,696 11,700 AS Rate 123.7 134.3 143.7 159.3 182.7 146.4 AS Rate - 95% LCL 122.7 133.2 142.6 158.1 181.2 145.9 Female AS Rate - 95% UCL 124.8 135.3 144.8 160.5 184.1 147.0 AS Rate Ratio 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.5 Yearly Excess Cases 907 1,629 2,482 3,387 8,405 AS Rate 141.1 154.1 166.2 186.4 216.4 169.6 AS Rate - 95% LCL 140.2 153.3 165.3 185.4 215.2 169.2 Persons AS Rate - 95% UCL 141.9 155.0 167.1 187.4 217.6 170.0 AS Rate Ratio 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.5 Yearly Excess Cases 2,038 3,636 5,675 7,848 19,196 95% LCL and 95% UCL are the 95% lower and upper confidence limits around the AS Rate Source: You are welcome to reuse this Cancer Research UK statistics content for your own work. Credit us as authors by referencing Cancer Research UK as the primary source. Suggested style: Cancer Research UK, full URL of the page, Accessed [month] [year].

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