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Presentation on theme: "LG MODES FOR THERMAL NOISE REDUCTION"— Presentation transcript:

Paul Fulda, Charlotte Bond for University of Birmingham and University of Glasgow LIGO-G GWADW ELBA

2 Previous LG mode research
Simulations of control signals for main IFO components1: positive results for LG33 LG33 Sensitivity improvements for AdVirgo1 First demonstration of LG33 mode cleaning to 99% purity using a PDH locked linear cavity2 1Chelkowski, S. et al, ‘Prospects of LG modes in GWDs’, Phys Rev D, 79, , June 2009, LIGO-P 2Fulda, P. et al, ‘Experimental demonstration of higher-order LG mode interferometry’, Phys Rev D, 82, , July 2010, LIGO-P 26/05/11 Paul Fulda GWADW Elba

3 LG33 mode in the Glasgow 10m Collaboration between Birmingham and Glasgow Advancing from the table top to prototype system Suspended optics and full control Larger beam sizes on the mirrors Could (should?) encounter LG mode degeneracy Compare resonating beam to simulations 26/05/11 Paul Fulda GWADW Elba

4 LG33 mode in the Glasgow 10m (2)
26/05/11 Paul Fulda GWADW Elba

5 LG33 mode in the Glasgow 10m (3)
LG33 mode path installed on laser bench LG33 Beam transmitted through PMC 26/05/11 Paul Fulda GWADW Elba

6 Aims of the prototype experiment
Find out where the LG33 mode becomes unusable Compare simulations with actual experimental results over a wide parameter range: Different finesses (between about 100 and 8000) Different mirror surfaces, i.e. ‘good’ mirrors, but also have some particularly ‘bad’ ones Systematic study (rather than single point comparison) to increase the reliability of the simulations and to learn which are the most import influences 26/05/11 Paul Fulda GWADW Elba

7 Towards mirror specs for LG modes
Mirror surfaces well described as a sum of Znm terms Analytical formula derived for estimating coupling between degenerate LG modes due to specific Znm terms Next: compute limits on Znm orders (astigmatism, coma…) based on optical requirements (loss, contrast…) ‘Bad’ JIF input mirror R=95% Zernike version (C. Bond) y(cm) y(cm) surface height (nm) surface height (nm) x(cm) x(cm) 26/05/11 Paul Fulda GWADW Elba

8 Simple example of Zernike advantage
Relative Z2±2 content (astigmatism) Relative Z20 content (curvature) MIRROR Circulating beam LG33 mode content [%] SAME SPATIAL FFT FOR THE MIRRORS BEST 0.494 0.506 78.54 “AVERAGE” 0.758 0.224 64.5 WORST 0.856 0.144 52.35 See poster/talk at Amaldi Credit: C. Bond 26/05/11 Paul Fulda GWADW Elba

9 Thanks for listening! 26/05/11 Paul Fulda GWADW Elba

10 Mirror map simulations with Zernike polynomials
26/05/11 Paul Fulda GWADW Elba

11 With astigmatism removed…
Z2±2 polynomials held at zero 92.6% LG33 mode content 26/05/11 Paul Fulda GWADW Elba

12 Coupling of tilt to phase in FP cavity
We investigated the tilt to phase coupling in a 3km cavity Cavity tuning ( )

13 Alignment analysis of an arm cavity
A detailed and realistic simulation of the arm cavity alignment sensing was performed

14 PDH error signal for a LG33 mode

15 Measuring coating thermal noise in the LIGO band
G. Ciani, J. Eichholz, M. Hartman, G. Mueller, J. Sanjuan LIGO/LISA of Florida Should I add LIGO/UF logs?

16 GWDAW 2011 – Isola d’Elba, Italy
Summary Motivation Experimental concept A few design details Experimental plan May 2011 GWDAW 2011 – Isola d’Elba, Italy

17 GWDAW 2011 – Isola d’Elba, Italy
What and why? Current coating thermal noise data: Suspended cavities: above ~ 500 Hz (TNI) Fixed spacer cavities: around or below 1 Hz Coating thermal noise as one of the limiting source of noise, not the aim of the measurement. Our idea: Use a fixed spacer, ~ 25 cm long cavity as a reference State of the art frequency stabilization with compact cavities: Hz Measure coating thermal noise in short (1 cm), small beam size (~10-4 m) fixed spacer cavities May 2011 GWDAW 2011 – Isola d’Elba, Italy

18 GWDAW 2011 – Isola d’Elba, Italy
Experiment concept X PM2 PD2 PM1 Laser 1 Laser 2 NCO X PD1 PM2 PD3 The beat signal at PD3 is used to control the NCO and keep Laser2 resonant in the thermal noise cavity Could add formulas for the PDs signals, or put them in an extra slide. Think about it. The beat signal at PD1 is used to phase lock Laser1 to Laser2 with a frequency offset set by the NCO (Numerically Controlled Oscillator). Residual phase error is measured by PhaseMeter1. - The beat signal at PD2 is used to lock Laser1 to the reference cavity. Residual error is measured by PM2. May 2011 GWDAW 2011 – Isola d’Elba, Italy

19 GWDAW 2011 – Isola d’Elba, Italy
Our noisy enemies Identified noise sources (so far…): Spacer thermal noise No need to fight… Substrate thermal noise Fought with low loss substrate materials (fused silica) Coating thermal noise (in reference cavity) Fought with long cavity Acceleration noise Fought with stiff material, seismic isolation and wise cavity suspension Temperature noise: Fought with active temperature stabilization and low CTE material Readout noise: Some help from the Space… Laser intensity noise (coupling via thermal effect in the substrate): Waiting on the battlefield… Not sure I want to put this in May 2011 GWDAW 2011 – Isola d’Elba, Italy

20 Mechanical and optical layout
Viewport Optical fiber from outside vacuum Reference cavities and beam splitters (except the first) installed on a single breadboard Breadboard suspended in both horizontal (pendulum) and vertical (blades) directions Suspended assembly enclosed in temperature stabilized vacuum tank Input signal to the platform delivered by optical fiber Beat signals delivered to out-of-vacuum photodiodes through viewports Two orthogonal reference cavities to avoid common mode rejection of acceleration Add schematic of suspension with blades May 2011 GWDAW 2011 – Isola d’Elba, Italy

21 Reference cavity noise budget (preliminary)
L = 25 cm CLEARCERAM-Z HS Fused silica substrates Tantala-Silica coating Relative displacement noise [Hz-1/2] Frequency [Hz] May 2011 GWDAW 2011 – Isola d’Elba, Italy

22 Test cavity noise budget (preliminary)
L = 1 cm CLEARCERAM-Z HS Fused silica substrates Tantala-Silica coating Relative displacement noise [Hz-1/2] Frequency [Hz] May 2011 GWDAW 2011 – Isola d’Elba, Italy

23 GWDAW 2011 – Isola d’Elba, Italy
Can we measure it? Displacement noise [m Hz-1/2] Frequency [Hz] May 2011 GWDAW 2011 – Isola d’Elba, Italy

24 GWDAW 2011 – Isola d’Elba, Italy
Phase Meter May 2011 GWDAW 2011 – Isola d’Elba, Italy

25 GWDAW 2011 – Isola d’Elba, Italy
Experimental plan Preliminary: Create two almost identical reference cavities and characterize one against the other Coating thermal noise measurement: Measure coating thermal noise in short cavity and indentify it via its frequency dependence Vary beam size in short cavities to check coating thermal noise scaling Future work: Measure substrate thermal noise using higher-loss materials Measure thermal noise from different coatings May 2011 GWDAW 2011 – Isola d’Elba, Italy

26 The AEI 10m Prototype Interferometer
Benefits and drawbacks of Khalili cavities Tobias Westphal for the AEI 10 m Prototype team GWADW Elba, May 2011

27 SQL interferometer layout
nm fiber coupled Tap off 130 mW 10 m Fabry-Perot arm cavity Finesse ca. 700 100 g Mirrors Monolithic silica suspensions Anti-resonant Fabry-Perot cavities as compound end mirrors Frequency reference cavity Length: 12 m Finesse: ca. 7500 Triple pendulum suspension Mirror mass: 860 g

28 Where does coating noise appear?
Reflectivity N N High reflective coatings have lots of coating layers Few layers  medium R, low CTN Many layers  high R, high CTN The Idea: mechanical separation of reflectivity and losses F. Ya. Khalili, Physics Letters A 334 (2005) 67-72

29 Khalili cavity and etalon
Length actuation problem (thermal expansion?) Thermal gradients destroy homogenity Mechanical coupling (thicker substrate!) ETM perfectly decoupled longer cavity (about 1m) to fit sidebands 2 more DOF to sense IETM EETM (2n+1) l/2

30 Optimize rIETM for thermal noise
NIETM = 2 rIETM ≈ 0.7 NEETM = 15 tEETM ≈ 30ppm RETM = 1-(TIETM)(TEETM+a)/4 = %

31 Optimize rIETM for rad. press.
NIETM ≈ ½? rIETM = 30% rEETM ≈ 100% meff = 0.5mIETM Effective mass can be doubled opt. thermal noise: NIETM = 2 meff ≈ 0.7mIETM

32 “Abyss of instability”
ITM IETM EETM gkhal gii, gei Problem: Big spots to reduce coating noise 10 5 m distance large g factors, close to instability extremely sensitive to deviation from specification garm = gkhal = gaLIGO = 0.83

33 Sensitivity w/o Khalili cavities

34 Sensitivity with Khalili cavities

35 Sensitivity with doped coatings

36 Sensitivity with doping & Khalili


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