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Using Technology to Motivate Reluctant Learners

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Presentation on theme: "Using Technology to Motivate Reluctant Learners"— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Technology to Motivate Reluctant Learners
Group 5 Katie: Show Host, Lea: The Expert, Alex: The Teacher, John: The Student

2 Introduction There are many types of technology that can be used to motivate students Interactive whiteboards, eBooks, apps, tablets, interactive games… E-readers Interview expert: Lea Katie: I am going to be presented as the show host for anonymous chat, introducing our subject

3 E-readers What is an e-reader?
How will using an e-reader help to motivate reluctant learners? Are there any drawbacks to this? Do you believe there will be any issues with using this product? Lea: will be discussing the specifics about what an e-reader is and why students like to use them, Katie will be asking Lea questions in an interview format. A graph will be appearing in the film to display boys struggling with reading more than girls.

4 How to use in the Classroom
Little Johnny had trouble reading Explain how to use the product first Explain the task and what is expected of them Work together as a whole Work individually Reflect and review Briefly back to the host, we are now going to cross over to a classroom who has a teacher with a student who is a reluctant reader Introduction to Alex and John “we have a teacher and a student from a year five classroom that are happy to talk with us about how e-readers have impacted their education”

5 Positives and the Negatives
What are the benefits from using the e-readers Motivates children to interact with their class Become more motivated to read and retains information. Enjoy reading - read more What are the negatives? It can have the opposite effect on girls, they can become reluctant to read The teachers can have trouble using the program until they learn how to use it Will be discussed during Alex’s part of the interview as the teacher, reffering to the benefits and the drawbacks in a classroom setting

6 How does this effect the student
How was your reading experience before e-reader? How was your reading experience after e-reader What do you like about it? What don’t you like about it?

7 Conclusion and References
Many different types of technology can be used, e-readers useful Benefits outweigh the issues with e-readers Teacher technique combined with technology will engage the reluctant student References McDonald, T. (2013). Classroom Management, Engaging Students in Learning (2nd ed.). VIC: Oxford University Press Australia Pty Ltd. Back to the host to conclude.

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