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Presentation on theme: "CLASSROOMS FLIPPED."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Flipping Teachers Dr. Ann Petersen Dr. Kate Sanders

3 Faculty Friendship Trusted & valued each other
Trusted & valued collaboration Utilized Faculty Development Opportunities Attended Student-Centered Workshops Shared educational philosophies Early Childhood High School / College Comp Faculty Friendship

4 How did we do it? We spent time talking to each other.
We connected as ‘flip partners’. We attended each other’s classes. We involved the students. We told everyone, “We know what we’re doing!”

5 What We Learned Collaboration requires work---together in person, via & cell phone, through ICCOC, over coffee. . . There’s more than one way to skin a cat. Neither partner is stronger than the other. Neither partner is in charge. We learned to stand naked without judgment.

6 Traditional Considerations
Traditional Challenges Text book reading Notetaking, lecture, text review Assigned homework Textbook reading is a learned skill. A text book does not read like a novel. Notetaking & isolating key concepts are learned skills. Errors may be perpetuated with non-mastered concepts.

7 The theory behind the practice
Find a flipped & flexible colleague with whom to work Find someone who can stand ‘naked w/o judgment’ Find someone who doesn’t have to be ‘in charge’ Find someone who likes surprises and is comfortable with situations evolving organically

8 TUCKMAN’S Team Development Model
Forming Storming Norming Performing Transforming

9 FORMING Course or syllabus treasure hunt Syllabus quiz
Textbook Navigation Time Management Assessments Discussion Boards

10 STORMING Agenda Responsibility Deadline Deadlines Deliberate Routines
Multiple Expectation Perspectives Cooperative Learning Groups College Expectations Parents are Teachers, BUT . . .

11 ‘NAKED’ NORMING Modeling Everything Building Trust & Community
Creating a Risk-Taking Environment Knowing Learners, Strategies, & Competencies

12 The Practice Behind the Theory
The challenges are: Where do I find a ‘flipping partner’? What do we do during the ‘flipping classtime’? How do we shed the ‘sage on the stage’ persona?

13 PERFORMING Simulations / Problem-based Instruction
Pair-share / Think-Pair-Share Technology Tutoring / Virtual Field Trips Role-plays / Scenarios Brainstorming / Discussion Presentations with Audience Component Notetaking / Peer Review

14 Performing cont. Direct Instruction with Mini-lessons Learning Cells
Modeling Sessions Peer Teaching Case Studies Web Quests & Searches Flexible and/or Fixed Group Work Writes and ‘Last Rites’

15 The scary behind the practice
Authentic, research-based, lasting change is harder than we think Instructors often make change harder when we “go it alone” Faculty are reluctant to sacrifice our sacred beliefs and practices Collaboration requires standing naked without judgment

16 WARNING: Flipping may be a selfish habit!
Self-responsibility Self-confidence Self-support Self-evaluation Self-satisfaction Self-reliance Self-motivation Self-pacing / challenge Self-correction Self-identification

17 What shall I do this year?
What shall I become? What shall I learn --- truly learn --- and know that I have learned by the time I look at these pages next year?


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