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SAL COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Department of Chemical Engineering ALA Organic chemistry(2130501) TOPIC: Protein-amino acids Student Zamin hussain(141130105060)

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Presentation on theme: "SAL COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Department of Chemical Engineering ALA Organic chemistry(2130501) TOPIC: Protein-amino acids Student Zamin hussain(141130105060)"— Presentation transcript:

1 SAL COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Department of Chemical Engineering ALA Organic chemistry( ) TOPIC: Protein-amino acids Student Zamin hussain( ) Lalit chandra ( ) Hardik pandya( ) Amipara trusha( ) Faculty: Dr. Monica swami

2 Proteins It is polymer of amino acids Proteins form structure of body C,H,O,N are present

3 Structure Protein: Amino Acids

4 Amino Acids These are taken by food not in body
Essential amino acids These are taken by food not in body i.e. indispensable amino acids PVT. TIM HALL (or PVT. MAT HILL) Nonessential amino acids These are formed in body i.e. dispensable amino acids “Conditionally” essential amino acids


6 Peptide bond It is of three type dipeptide, tripeptide,polypeptide A peptide bond is between –NH2 of one amino acid and –COOH of another

7 Dipeptide

8 Tripeptide

9 Polypeptide

10 Formation of peptide bond
4 types Primary secondary tertiary quaternary

11 Primary peptide Secondary peptide
These are formed by a single polypeptide chain linear manner All amino acids are attached in a straight chain by peptide bond Secondary peptide These are of two types α helix and β pleated sheet

12 Tertiary peptide Quaternary peptide
In this structure of protiens atom are highly coiled and form a spherical form Hydrogen ,ionic ,hydrophobic,disulphide bond Quaternary peptide When 2 polypeptide bond are united by covelent bond is called quaternary bond

13 Types of protein 3 types Simple conjugated derived

14 Simple Conjugated These are of two types Fibrous and globular
Fibrous:- it is soluble and their main function is protecting Globular:- it is insoluble and Conjugated These are complex proteins in which protein is combined with characteristic non amino acid substance

15 Derived These are obtained as a result of partial hydrolysis of natural protein . Eg proteose ,metaproteins

16 Thank you 

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