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Threatened Species Working Group

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1 Threatened Species Working Group
Action Strategy for Nature Objective 3: Protect and recover threatened species, and species of ecological, cultural and economic significance. Aims of the WG: Act as a coordination network for species activities in the region Promote technical exchange of knowledge Increase collaboration and avoid duplication of efforts

2 Achievements in 2010/2011 1) Re-form and re-invigorate the Threatened Species Working Group RESULT: Membership to list-serve increased, but engagement still somewhat lacking 2) Create a database of current projects focused on species conservation. RESULT: database created by CI and Birdlife and circulated to list-serve for input. Currently have a list of 30 projects. 3) Create a database of people with Pacific island species expertise RESULT: Existing databases merged and circulated to list-serve for further input. Currently have over 350 people listed.

3 Challenges for the Group
Species conservation is a fundamental area of Action Strategy Importance of this group and topic is recognized BUT: Lack of engagement Lack of enthusiasm for action People signed up to list-serve but not active Willingness to share ideas and knowledge an issue?

4 The way forward...? Is the Threatened Species Working Group necessary?
Can enthusiasm be increased and further support leveraged? Advice from other list-serve groups? How can we build on the achievements and activities from 2010/2011?

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