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4th period at Altadeña Middle School

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1 4th period at Altadeña Middle School
PRIDE Hour 4th period at Altadeña Middle School

2 Pride Hour at Altadeña The purpose of PRIDE Hour is to utilize this instructional block as a way to reinforce concepts that are being taught in our core classes (English Language Arts, Math, Social Studies and Science). We do this through reteaching, intervention and extension activities.

3 Pride Hour at Altadeña Our content teachers meet daily in Professional Learning Communities to collaborate with their grade level content colleagues. During these meetings they focus on 4 questions: 1. What is it we expect our students to learn? 2. How will we know when they have learned it? 3. How will we respond when some students do not learn it? 4. How will we respond when some students already know it?

4 Pride Hour at Altadeña To accomplish questions 3 and 4… 3. How will we respond when some students do not learn? 4. How will we respond when some students already know it? ... we have students rotate through their 4 core classes, in the order they appear on their schedule, during PRIDE Hour each week (M, T, TH, F). During this period, their teacher will use this time for additional instruction, reteaching, intervention and extension.

5 SUPPLIES Altadeña teachers appreciate your support!!
You can help in these ways: - Tax Credit donations (for clubs, Learning Lab, and other extra curricular activities) can be done year-round! Visit our office or for more information. - Teacher supply lists--available from teachers or their classroom websites -Copy paper is always appreciated!

PARENTS, STAY INFORMED- WEBSITE, NEWSLETTER, REMIND: SIGN UP FOR OUR NEWSLETTER ON OUR WEBSITE PARENTVUE AND STUDENTVUE Parent Remind→ This is also the first link on the left side of the Altadeña webpage.



9 DRESS CODE Kyrene Policy States:
“ The body shall be adequately covered. Clothing shall not expose the chest, abdomen, back or buttocks area, and shall be sufficient to conceal undergarments at all times. “ Please review dress code with your child prior to the first day of school. The dress code policy is strictly enforced.

Morning Drop Off Campus is open to students at 8:00am. The front office opens for business at 7:45, but this is not for student supervision. Drop students off in the lower level parking lot in front of the office. Only drop off in the lane surrounding the parking lot, NOT in the parking lot. To access the office, please be a good role model for our students and use the crosswalk. Crossing between cars is unsafe. Please follow the lane keeping to the right, only allow students to exit the car on the right side, and pull forward as far as possible. The upper lot is for school buses only. In accordance with state law, student drop off is not permitted.

After School Pick Up Pick up students in the middle parking lot only. The Cerritos parking lot should not be used for after school pick up as this interferes with after school activities and staff parking. Please follow the lane keeping to the right, only allow students to exit the car on the right side, and pull forward as far as possible. The upper lot is for school buses only. In accordance with state law, student pick up is not permitted. If you wait about 10 minutes after dismissal, there is much less congestion in the lower parking lot, and once the buses leave, you can use that lot too.

Students are expected to follow civic bicycle laws that apply to riding a bike on the streets and sidewalks, including helmet use for safety. When on campus, bicycles must be walked. Riding bicycles on campus is not permitted. The bicycle corral is locked during the school day, but all bicycles need to have a separate bike lock. Bicycle locks prevent theft. The school district is not responsible for lost or stolen personal items, including bikes.

13 TRAVELING TO AND FROM SCHOOL- skating and walking
Skateboard, Inline Skates or Scooter: Skateboarding/skate/scooter rules are similar to bicycle rules. Students are not permitted to ride on campus. Storage is provided in the health office or with permission in teachers’ classrooms. Walking: Students walking to and from school must cross all streets using the H.A.W.K. device and crosswalks only.

14 Parent drop off of items
Every minute of instruction is precious to us. To support our teachers in preserving instructional minutes, students will not be called to the office to pick up items, such as lunches, instruments, sports equipment, or projects during class. Pick up times for student items will be at their designated lunchtime. Students will be notified if they have an item in the office. Please help us encourage your child to be proactive, on time, and prepared to learn. Thank you for your support in preserving instructional minutes!

15 LEAD/The Leader in Me This year we will be implementing LEAD program at Altadeña. LEAD is the middle school version of The Leader in Me, Franklin Covey’s whole school transformational process. It utilizes the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People to teach 21st century leadership and life skills to students and creates a culture of student empowerment based on the idea that every child can become a leader. The response to this initiative has already been incredibly positive, and we can’t wait to see the 7 Habits come to life on our campus.

16 Thanks for joining us tonight!
Phoenix Phreeze At the conclusion of Meet The Teacher night, Phoenix Phreeze will be selling snow cones outside the ramada/multipurpose room. Feel free to get a Phreeze and join us in the cafeteria or under the ramada. A portion of the proceeds will go toward supporting Altadeña staff and students. Thanks for joining us tonight!

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