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Convolutional Neural Fabrics by Shreyas Saxena, Jakob Verbeek

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Presentation on theme: "Convolutional Neural Fabrics by Shreyas Saxena, Jakob Verbeek"— Presentation transcript:

1 Convolutional Neural Fabrics by Shreyas Saxena, Jakob Verbeek
CS559 – Deep learning paper presentation Presenter: Burak Eserol

2 Outline About Authors and Paper Introduction Related Work
Convolutional Neural Fabrics Experimental Evaluation Results Conclusion References

3 About Authors and Paper
Shreyas Saxena Phd student at INRIA – France Interested in deep networks Jakob Verbeek Researcher in Computer Vision and Machine Learning at INRIA – France Interested in machine learning Advances in Neural Information Processing System (NIPS) Dec 2016, Barcelona, Spain

4 Introduction Problem Definition Success of CNN
Krizhevsky – Hand crafted features, to end-to-end trainable systems Problems with CNN Lack of efficient systematic ways to explore the large architecture space Number of layers, number of channels per layer, filter size per layer, stride per layer, number of pooling vs. convolutional layers, type of pooling operator per layer, size of the pooling regions, ordering of pooling and convolutional layers, channel connectivity pattern between layers, type of activation Number of resulting architecture is huge

5 Introduction Problem Solution Convolutional Neural Fabric
All possible network architectures are embedded in a “fabric” 3 Dimensional Response maps of various resolutions Only local connections across neighboring layers, scales, channels 2 parameters – number of layers and channels

6 Introduction Learning Parameter Sharing Contributions of the Work
Back-Propagation – Learning is done efficiently Parameter Sharing Contributions of the Work CNN model architecture selection problem Massively shared weights between architectures Can generate output at multiple resolutions Image classification, semantic segmentation, multi-scale object detection within a single network structure.

7 Related Work Several chain-structured CNN architectures – are they best? [1] Knowledge Transfer – “Transferring the knowledge from a previous network to each new deeper or wider network” – Accelerate training Lack of more effective methods to find good architectures than trying one-by-one Architectures induce networks with multiple parallel paths from input to output.[2][3] All such networks are embedded in fabric Multi-Dimensional networks [4] Cross-stitch networks that can produce two different outputs Based on AlexNet[5] and two copies of the same architecture Does not address the network architecture selection problem [1] Chen et al., Accelerating learning via knowledge transfer, ICLR 2016 [2] Farabet et al., Learning hierarchical features for scene labeling, PAMI 2013 [3] Honari et al., Learning coarse to fine feature aggregation, CVPR 2016 [4] Misra et al. Cross-stich networks for multi-task learning. In CVPR, 2016.

8 Convolutional Neural Fabrics
Each node represents one response map Layer Axis: Same output, Same filter (depth axis of CNN) Scale Axis: Different resolutions are organized, stride is increased (go down), 0 padding applied (go up) Channels Axis: Different response maps with same scale and layer Number of Scales calculated as when input E.g. 32x32 input, S = 6, to have 1x1

9 Convolutional Neural Fabrics
How various architectural choices can be “implemented” in fabrics? Resampling Operators Stride-two convolutions can be used on fine-to-coarse edges Zero padding can be used on coarse-to-fine edges Max-pooling Filter Sizes Repetition within the channels enable to obtain any size of filters

10 Convolutional Neural Fabrics
Ordering Convolution Chain structured networks = paths in fabric Weights on edges outside path are zero

11 Convolutional Neural Fabrics
Channel Connectivity Pattern Most networks use dense connectivity across channels between successive layers Fabric, sparsely connected along channel axis , suffices to emulate densely connected convolutional layers. Copying channels Convolving channels Aggregating channels

12 Convolutional Neural Fabrics
Analysis of Number of Parameters and Activations Number of Response Maps through-out the fabric Number of Parameters when channels are sparsely or densely connected Number of Activations – that determines the memory usage of back-propagation during learning Example: 32x32 input -> they used L = 16 layers and C = 256 channels => 2M Parameters and 6M activations. Example: 256x256 input -> L = 16 layers and C = 64 channels => 0.7M Parameters and 89M activations

13 Experimental Evaluation Results
Datasets and Their Results Part Labels Dataset ~3000 face images from LFW dataset with pixel level annotation into classes hair, skin, and background 95.6% super-pixel accuracy using both sparse and dense fabrics.

14 Experimental Evaluation Results
From left to Right Input image Ground truth labels Superpixel-level prediction Pixel-level prediction

15 Experimental Evaluation Results
MNIST 28x28 images of handwritten digits 50k training, 10k validation, 10k test Pixel values are normalized to [0,1] Error rates of 0.48% and 0.33% with sparse and dense fabrics

16 Experimental Evaluation Results
CIFAR10 32x32 images and 10 classes 45k training, 5k validation, 10k test Error rate of 7.43% Training of Fabric SGD Momentum of 0.9 After each node, Batch Normalization Did not apply dropout Use validation set to determine optimal number of training epochs

17 Conclusion Convolutional Neural Fabrics
Network architecture selection problem Specifying, training, and testing of individual networks to find best ones Subsume large class of networks Image classification, and semantic segmentation Fabrics are competitive with the best-crafted CNN architectures Better optimization schemes Adam, dropout, dropconnect…

18 References [1] T. Chen, I. Goodfellow, and J. Shlens. Net2net: Accelerating learning via knowledge transfer. In ICLR, 2016 [2] C.Farabet, C.Couprie, L.Najman,andY.LeCun. Learning hierarchical features for scene labeling. PAMI, 35(8):1915–1929, 2013. [3] S. Honari, J. Yosinski, P. Vincent, and C. Pal. Recombinator networks: Learning coarse-to-fine feature aggregation. In CVPR, 2016. [4] I. Misra, A. Shrivastava, A. Gupta, and M. Hebert. Cross-stich networks for multi-task learning. In CVPR, 2016. [5] A. Krizhevsky, I. Sutskever, and G. Hinton. Imagenet classification with deep convolutional neural networks. In NIPS, 2012

19 Thank You

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