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Korean War 1950-1953.

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1 Korean War

2 Today’s Objective After today’s lesson, students will be able to…
Explain how the Korean War resulted from heightened tensions and resulted in further heightening Cold War tensions Essential Skill Explicitly assess information and draw conclusions

3 China! Who Lost China? Chiang Kai-shek (nationalist) and Mao Zedong (communist) civil war continued post World War II Chiang Kai-shek’s forces fled to Taiwan in 1949

4 Divided Korea Following WWII, Korea was divided along the 38th Parallel US backed the South (Republic of Korea) USSR backed the North (People’s Republic of Korea) June 25, 1950 Soviet-backed North Korean troops invaded the South

5 U.S. Containment Truman – “Korea is the Greece of the Far East”
Stop the spread of communism Memories of WWII appeasement Prevent World War III Domestic political impact Show Republicans that Democrats are not “soft” on Communism

6 United Nations Involvement
Truman secures UN support for a “police action” against North Korean aggressors No congressional approval, no declaration of war U.S. made up 50% of troops, South Korea made up 40%

7 MacArthur vs. Truman MacArthur China warns against invasion
Wants to invade North Korea and China Suggests atomic weapons “In war, there is no substitute for victory!” China warns against invasion Chinese counterattack Truman fires MacArthur in April, 1951

8 Truman and the War “Limited war for limited goals”
Did not support expansive ground war with China or possible atomic war with USSR Criticized heavily at home

9 Effects…by the numbers
Cease fire signed July 27, 1953 54,246 American troops killed 103, wounded and missing $54 billion cost

10 Effects…continued Reinforced Containment as a global policy
NSC-68’s recommended “build-up” continued Tripled U.S. defense budget Reaffirmed perception that USSR led communist revolt in China and sought more worldwide spread Established a divided Korean peninsula still to this day

11 Still about 40 US troops there, along with South Korean troops

12 Two Koreas Today

13 Two Koreas Today Data South Korea North Korea Population 48.46 million
GDP ($US, PPP) $1.335 trillion $40 billion GDP per capita $24,840 $1,800 estimate Life expectancy 79 67 Mortality rate, under 5 (per 1000 live births) 5 55 Internet users (per 1000 people) 75.9 Avg. Male height 5’ 8 ½” 5’ 4 ½” Avg. Female height 5’ 3” 5’ 1” Note: Prior to division, Koreans were same size, today 9 year olds in NK are often mistaken for 5 year olds, NK had to eliminate 5’3” height requirement for military b/c many soldiers are less than 5 foot tall today

14 Discussion Questions To what extent did MacArthur have the right to criticize Truman? Who won the Korean War? Why is the Korean War is known as the “Forgotten War?” What are the dangers of Congress not formally declaring war?

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