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Integrated Operation and economy

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1 Integrated Operation and economy
NPD and OLF has calculated the value of IO on the Norwegian shelf to be 40 billion USD Statoil’s anticipated IO-potential is more than 50 % of the above External review of the Integrated Operations efforts on one of our major fields calculates the value created to close to 1 billion USD, with a further potential of 0,7 +\- 0,4 billion USD

2 Overal use of WITSML in Statoil
Statoil have transferred information from 300+ wells with the use of WITSML (and stopped counting) Incorporate all wells operated by Statoil in the Norwegian sector Incorporate a growing amount of wells internationally (Iran, Venezuela, Angola etc.)

3 Current situation from our IT real time support centre in Statoil
Period 1/6-06 to 31/8-06: WITSML = 29 wells = m WITSML stream = ft WITSML stream PROBLEMS with the start of 50% of these streams due to lack of automation

4 Challenges with real-time WITSML stream
Still many manual operations to set up and maintain the real-time stream WITSML not properly supporting automation Applications is not properly supporting real-time data Some of the products in the data stream are not built to support multiple well streams (up to 20 simultaneous wells) Manual work needed to handle dialects of WITSML and multiple versions in use

5 Good things about the real-time WITSML stream
It does its job of transporting data to the end users in the operations centres in Statoil The users are getting used to the use of real-time data due to every well being transferred in real-time (it drives habits) It is one of the cornerstones in harvesting the overall value of Integrated Operations

6 Public Seminar, October 19 Agenda
Welcome and Introductions, POSC Keynote Presentation, Julian Pickering, BP WITSML SIG Team Reports Oil Companies BP Hydro, Lars-Olav Grovik Statoil Software and Supplier Companies Paradigm Schlumberger SDC Geologix Sense Intellifield Baker Hughes Halliburton INT Petrolink Merrick Systems

7 Challenges - Operation and Support
Real Time Data Challenges - Operation and Support

8 Overview Since October 2005 Service companies End users
Grane, OSC, OSE, Troll, Njord, Fram Vest 20 wells, 62 wellbores Service companies Baker Halliburton End users RMS GeoFrame DrillWorks/Predict Bore Morning Status Check Daily before 08:00

9 Onshore Processing Center – Bringing it All Together

10 Onshore Processing Center – West Venture at Sandsli

11 Right Time Data Update speed Operational Support
< 5 mins is accepable Operational Support (not Operational Control) Drilling and Well Operations WITSML WITSML Well Wellbore Trajectory Trajectory Station Log Rig Realtime bhaRun

12 Current WITSML Status Generally 10 – 15 parallel drilling operations are active at any time all using WITSML. WITSML has been in operations for nearly 3 years. In total, 87 wells drilled with WITSML so far. 2004 and 2005: 36 wells 2006 already: wells

13 Service Companies WITSML Data Deliveries
Stable deliveries most of the time Still some erroneous data Wrong wellbore Data too deep Missing data Re-load of data Conclusion: This will always happen  We need better data management tools Issues with the WITSML delivered from service companies SiteCom in Hydro based on active wellbore flag Do we read the same data over and over again from the service companies? Append mode versus overwrite mode Conclusion: The goal is automated data transfer with as few re-reads as possible

14 Challenges, Real Time Data in Hydro
Continuos stable delivery from service companies Need: Active wellbore + update date Better quality check of data before delivered to Hydro If wrong data, need to do full refresh of all data on SiteCom and end user applications New WITSML data types Amount of data for time logs/curves When will service companies be able to deliver new data types? Update speed from service companies Transfer all data only once Error recovery speed Errors will happen, important to recovery quickly WITSML Version 1.3 deployment to replace WITSML Version 1.2 2007/2008

15 Thank You धन्यवाद

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