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HOMEROOM TEACHERS Grade 5A Donella Shermuly Grade 5B Karin Holle

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2 HOMEROOM TEACHERS Grade 5A Donella Shermuly Grade 5B Karin Holle
Grade 5C Susan Ponce de León DPP Marinés Ponce de León

3 GENERAL INFORMATION Entrance: 7:45 am (Doors open at 7:00 am)
Late arrivals – Behaviour Dismissal: 3:15 pm (Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri.) 1:30 pm (Wednesday) Uniform: P.E. uniform until further notice Toiletry Bags Caps: Altair Caps and sunscreen Prep books Homework Google Drive Reading Mathletics - April Healthy snack Cell phones / Whatsapp


5 ASSESSMENT Continuous and permanent Strategies and tools Observation
Participation and commitment Rubrics, and checklists Self-evaluation Oral Presentations Oral and written assessments Progress Report : May and October Report Card : July and December

6 PYP EXHIBITION The PYP Exhibition represents a significant event in the life of a PYP School and student, synthesizing the essential elements- knowledge, concepts, attributes, skills, and action of the PYP and sharing them with the whole community. Only students of grade 5 will participate of this Exhibition as its their graduation from the Primary Years Programme. It´s a Celebration! PYP Exhibition: November PYP Exhibition Meeting with Grade 5 parents: Date to be announced shortly.

7 DYNAMICS PRE PUBERTY Physical, Emotional, Social and Cognitive CHANGES
DYNAMICS: strategies to know themselves, communicate and relate to others. TEACHER COORDINATION COMMUNICATION WITH PARENTS Constant communication: Meetings Talks

Skills: Research, Thinking, Social, Self management and Communication Responsibility Organization Time Management Independence and Autonomy

9 HOW CAN I HELP MY CHILD? Provide an adequate work place.
Supervision and guidance. Empower responsibility and a positive attitude towards studying leading to a lifelong learner. Encourage reading Autonomy

Read and sign the prepbook daily Visit homeroom teacher’s Weebly blog Attend school meetings Parents Day (May/October) Student Led Conference (July)

11 SCHOOL CALENDAR Term 1: Monday March 1st- Friday May 5th
Vacations: Monday May 8th – Friday May 12th Term 2: Monday May 15th – Friday July 14th Vacations: Monday July 17th – Monday August 4th Term 3: Wednesday August 7th - Friday September 29th Vacations: Monday October 2nd – Friday October 6th Term 4: Monday October 9th – Friday December 15th

12 CONTACT INFORMATION Donella Shermuly (5A) Karin Holle (5B) Susan Ponce de León (5C) Marinés Ponce de León (DPP)

13 THANK YOU !!!

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