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Math and Dance.

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Presentation on theme: "Math and Dance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Math and Dance

2 What can math teachers learn from the artistic process?

3 Dance students must be fully focused and engaged 100% of the time
Dance students must be fully focused and engaged 100% of the time. “I can’t dance for your body.” Dance requires precision. Dancers must be aware of spatial relations. Dancers learn how to communicate with one another. Dancers are aware of their bodies and know that they need to be relaxed in order to perform optimally. Using whole body helps to deepen learning and retain it (muscle memory). Dance requires practice, making adjustments, and continuing to persevere!

4 What math processes can be learned through dance?

5 Finding multiple solutions and using creative thinking.
Attending to precision. Using tools to help solve problems. Using representations to make sense of mathematical problems. Look for and make use of structure. Make arguments and critique the reasoning of others.

6 What math content?

7 Shapes Perimeter and area Counting problems Patterns and functions Fractions Transformations Symmetry


9 Why else dance and math?

10 Teach students to recognize anxiety and how to get unstuck mentally as well as physically
Students get free from old ideas about math and can experience success Collaboration Both sides of the brain are engaged


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