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Mental Health – The Ambulance Perspective

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Presentation on theme: "Mental Health – The Ambulance Perspective"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mental Health – The Ambulance Perspective

2 Objectives Crisis Care Concordat Legislation Mental Capacity Restraint
Case Studies

3 Concordat

4 Legislation

5 Capacity

6 Restraint

7 Case Study 1 GP has called and states that Mrs Smith has a Urinary Tract Infection and lacks capacity, he has booked her into hospital, although she is likely to resist. You arrive and determine that she does in fact have capacity and refuses transport to hospital. What do you do?

8 Case Study 2 You arrive on scene at an 75yr old male who is very fit and active normally, he has a severe urinary tract infection and is not eating, drinking or managing to self care. What is your plan and what legislation are you working under?

9 Case Study 3 You arrive at a 31yr old female who has been given a terminal diagnosis, friends are concerned and call On arrival the patient engages you in conversation, is very frank and open and confirms she will kill herself as soon as you leave. What do you do and what legislation is there to support you?

10 Questions?

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