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Do Now: SAQ Classical Belief Systems

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1 Do Now: SAQ Classical Belief Systems
Practice for next week’s Quarterly

2 Remember to read the DOC first
“When they divided the man, into how many parts did they apportion him? What do they call his mouth, his two arms and thighs and feet? His mouth became the Brahmin, his arms were made into the warrior, his thighs the people, and from his feet the servants were born.” The Hymn of the primeval man, the Rig Veda Ca B.C.E - By birth one is not an outcaste. - By birth one is not a Brahmin - By deeds alone one is an outcaste - By deeds alone one is a Brahmin Siddhartha Gautama or the Buddha, ca 350 B.C.E

3 A.C.E Short-answer questions will directly address one or more of the thematic learning objectives for the course. At least two of the four questions will have elements of internal choice, providing opportunities for students to demonstrate what they know best. All of the short-answer questions will require students to use historical thinking skills to respond to a primary source, a historian’s argument, non-textual sources such as data or maps, or general propositions about world history. Each question will ask students to identify and analyze examples of historical evidence relevant to the source or question; these examples can be drawn from the concept outline or from other examples explored in depth during classroom instruction.

4 A) Explain how one of the excerpts affected South Asian life by religion, occupation or political structure A. The hymn of the primeval man in the Rig Veda 1000 B.C,.E affected South Asian life through religion and the idea of caste which also expresses occupation C. The mouth of the primeval man became the Brahmin which were the priests who did the speaking on behalf of early Hindus E- The need to break up the universal soul (Brahma) into various parts of societies came the creation of castes where the various parts of the human body would provide both religious and occupation tasks following specific Dharma to attain good Karma at the end of their life.

5 B) Explains one way the quote from the Buddha contradict the point of view from the primeval man from the rig Veda. A. The contradictory quotes of the Buddha indicate the rejection of caste through deeds alone C. By birth one is not the specific caste only through deeds to indicate that caste is not by birth but, rather specific actions. E. The rejection of caste and appeal of nirvana within [perhaps one lifetime appealed to many in South Asia by embracing the 4 noble truths and eightfold path. The ideal of living a monastic life could , indeed, see on attain a specific place in the society by what they did and not which caste they were born into.

6 C) Explain one reason Buddhism is considered a universal religion based on the quote from the Buddha
A. Buddhism is considered a universal religion because of its appeal of actions and rejection of birth and status determining one’ status C. Ones birth does not but only deeds like eliminating desire which is the cause of all world suffering. E. The great appeal of Buddhism amongst nomads, women, and people along trade routes saw the widespread embracing of Buddhism across the Indian Ocean and Silk Route making its way into SE Asia and China,, Kora and Japan and changing Buddhist appeal ( Mahayana, Theraveda, Zen).

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