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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO GREAT HORWOOD ANNUAL PARISH MEETING 2012"— Presentation transcript:


2 Agenda Welcome Apologies for absence. Approval of the minutes of the 2011 APM held on 5th April 2011/ Chairman’s Report Questions Alex Trivino - PCSO Thames Valley Police Paul Adams - Headmaster Great Horwood School Jo Dicken – Diamond Jubilee Committee Liz Nicholls – A Book for the village. Public Participation including reports from other village organisations.

3 Chairman’s Report

4 Your Parish Council Team
Karen Francis - Clerk to the Council Councillors Angela Mayne Valerie Porritt John Scholtens Marc Bennett-Coles Russell Margerrison Ian Lamberton John Gilbey

5 Achievements during 2011/12 Installation of 8 Grit/Salt Bins at strategic positions around the village. Installation of 2 additional dog bins Registration of the village green on The Green in the ownership of the Council. Still working on the registration of the Recreation Ground i.e. the Cricket Ground.

6 The new bus shelter

7 The second notice board

8 Planning Committee Cllrs. Mayne, Scholtens, Lamberton, Margerrison, Gilbey 25 Planning Applications considered in the year. 6 Objected to of which 4 were subsequently approved by AVDC. When an application is objected to we have continued to include a letter with the application giving detailed reasons for our objection.

9 Planning contd. I spoke on behalf of the Council at the Public Inquiry on 27th September 2011into the appeal against the refusal of AVDC to grant approval to the retrospective application for the Gypsy site in Nash Road. On the 3rd November the Planning Inspector gave temporary planning consent, for 4 years, to the applicants. 2 differing applications for developments on Land at School End have been rejected by AVDC. An application for a development behind 11 The Green was refused by AVDC. We are expecting an application to be made for 4 or 5 houses to be built on land to the rear of 12 The High Street.

10 Planning contd. The Vale of Aylesbury Plan – during October the Council worked together with the Parish Plan Steering Committee to distribute, collect and analyse a questionnaire seeking the views of all those living in the parish on the level of development that they wish to see during the next 20 years. A document reflecting these views was submitted to AVDC Forward Plans Department. A separate document detailing the results was circulated in every copy of the February Focus. Copies of both these documents are still available to download from the Parish Council website.

11 Planning contd. Neighbourhood Plan.
In October we made an application to the Department of Communities and Local Government for funding to develop a Neighbourhood plan under a so called Front Runners Scheme. In March we were informed that our bid was successful and that we have been awarded £20,000 to develop the plan We are, therefore, planning to work with AVDC to develop a Neighbourhood Plan in the coming months. The detailed work will be done by a new team which we plan to call the Neighbourhood Plan Team. We currently only have 4 members with Cllr. John Scholtens as Chair, myself as Secretary, David Saunders as Treasurer and Duncan Trigg. So please let John or myself know if you would like to join the team.

12 Horwode Pece Recreation Ground
Cllrs. Mayne and Porritt took over as the nominated Parish Council Trustees on the Great Horwood and Singleborough Recreation Trust. Village Hall Cllrs Porritt and Lamberton are the Parish Council representatives on the Village Hall Committee.

13 Donations made during 2011/12
During the year the Council made the following donations to local organisations:- Great Horwood Silver Band £250 Winslow and District Community Bus £250 Focus £100 Village Hall £250 Great Horwood and Singleborough Youth Club £250

14 Donations budgeted for 2012/13
The Council’s agreed budget for 2012/13 includes the following budgeted donations:- Great Horwood Silver Band £250 Winslow and District Community Bus £250 Focus £200 Village Hall £250 Great Horwood and Singleborough Youth Club £250 Medical Detection Dogs £250

15 Other activities As the Litter Pick on 20th March 2011 was so poorly supported we have decide not to try to organise one this year. Arranging and paying for the distribution of Focus to 21 businesses around the parish who do not currently receive a copy – a trial. Posting an electronic version of Focus on the Parish Council website so that people who are interested in what is going on in the village can have free access.

16 Footpaths Robert Deuchar has continued to act as the Parish’s footpath monitor and has provided an excellent report each month on the state of all the paths and highlighting any issues that occur. So a big thank you to Robert on behalf of all the walkers in the parish.

17 Organisations We have continued to be active members of a number of organisations in order to ensure that the voice of Great Horwood is heard across North Bucks. These organisations are:- BCC Winslow and District Local Area Forum NBPPC (North Bucks Parish Planning Consortium) Buckingham South NAG (Neighbourhood Action Group) – Aylesbury Vale North Sports Committee BALC (Bucks Association of Local Councils) AVALC (Aylesbury Vale Association of Local Councils) Community Impact Bucks AVDC Local Council Planning Liaison Group

18 Recap on objectives set for 2011/12
Replace the Bus shelter at the end of Little Horwood Road. Review the provision of Salt/Grit Bins around the village. Install a 2nd notice board so that we have space to display information that we receive from other bodies. Continue to support the Horwode Pece Recreation Ground Seek interest in the young people of the village to start up a Parish Youth Council Continue to seek a way to get a footpath from somewhere along Little Horwood Road down to Horwode Pece.

19 Dates for your diary. Diamond Jubilee Celebrations Monday 4th June.
Presentation on the proposal for a development of 4 or 5 houses on land behind 12 The High Street Saturday 16th June morning. Play Around the Parishes 30th July (pm), 14th August (am), 30th August (pm). Great Horwood Feast 6th/7th August

20 Plans for 2012/13 Contribute to a great Diamond Jubilee celebration event in the Parish.. Refurbish and re-site the Sun Dial as a memorial to the Diamond Jubilee as well as the Golden Jubilee. Install the second bus shelter in Little Horwood Road. Develop the Neighbourhood Plan in cooperation with the Neighbourhood Plan Team. Complete the registration of the “Cricket Ground”. Provide some form of speed monitoring or control in the village.

21 Parish Council website
Don’t forget to use our website at



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